Vida4U “Our Shoes” Part II 

Ephesians 6:15-16

and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness( or preparedness)  given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, take up the shield of faith to extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one (Shield of Faith – we already discussed this; this is just a reminder of its importance).

Welcome back, I trust the last Vida was like a huge vitamin pill for your spirit. These are very personal examples and situations that I have been through. Everything I talk about in Vida comes from situations and or experiences from my life, the paths God has walked with me through. None of it is just head knowledge. It is all practical knowledge, boots on the ground, and victories and defeats. In this segment, we are talking about the shoes the Roman soldier wore and how we can apply what the shoe (sandal) means spiritually. 

The shoes of the Roman soldier had spikes in them; we would call them sandals. The spikes helped the soldier to hold his position in battle and advance. So, spiritually speaking, what helps us stand or take ground? Is it not His Word committed to memory? Imagine you are hiking, and all is well. You have your hiking shoes on, and you are climbing. Suddenly, the path gives way, and your adrenaline kicks in as you run, seeking firmer ground. What would have happened if you were not in proper gear? Instead of hiking boots, did you have church shoes? You would have slipped/fallen and potentially been seriously hurt, being unprepared to respond to the danger. Such is God’s Word, “our hiking boots,” when read and memorized. It makes us prepared for the events that spring up in our lives. The more time it takes to prepare, the more casualties we suffer, and the more ground is lost. 

My daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids just returned from a week’s vacation in Hawaii. Upon opening their front door, they walked into a flooded home. They had some refrigerator work done just before their trip, and an improperly placed hose was the cause. Were they ready for this? No, but were they “prepared”? In the context of having home insurance, yes, they were. What would have happened if they thought home insurance was too expensive or we would never need it? They would have been in a world of hurt. There is this attitude among believers: “I’m fine, life is good, I don’t need to read the Bible; I go to church, and that’s enough. After all, I don’t want to get too religious. 

Jesus said, “Those who have ears let them hear.” How about seeking Him just because He’s Worthy of me seeking Him because He Absolutely Loves me? 

Hosea 4:6

My people perish because they have rejected My Word (the next words you never want God to say to you). Therefore, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. God is very patient and loving, but if we continue to reject Him, He withdraws His presence from us.

Jeremiah 31:3 (this is His heart)

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee (sometimes that loving kindness takes the form of discipline. It’s out of love that He chastens us, for He knows if He doesn’t, we will go adrift, being drawn and deceived by worldly desires that, if we continue in them, pit us against Him). You never want to find yourself in this position.

Hebrews 12:10-11

For they (our fathers) verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness (for without Holiness no man shall see God. Hebrews 12:14). 

Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but **grievous (painful): afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised( its work!) thereby.

** Grievous – one of the definitions is the pain associated with giving birth. Application: the trial is to give birth to a godly attitude while a sinful, prideful attitude dies. It is a painful process as God brings us to our knees to surrender our ways to His ways. It can be a grievous process, but once over, peace, joy, and a closer walk with The Lord are achieved.

So, we understand that it is paramount that we understand and know what God says in His Word. For He is bound by the confines and liberties found in it (e.g., He hates sin, period, in us and in our world, and His love is unlimited as it is shouted from the Cross where He dared crucify His Only Son for sinful man. Who would do that but God alone). Therefore, when things are hard, and at times super hard, knowing what  God says about trials and His love for us will keep us from blaming Him. Satan will take every opportunity to slander God. Telling lies about Him that if you do not know what the Bible says, you will naturally believe the lie. For example, no human beings were closer to God, saw God, and spoke with Him more than Adan and Eve. 

Yet the master of treachery and blasphemy, satan, webbed a lie that trapped Adan and Eve and ruined mankind. So what makes you think you or I won’t fall into deception? You must be in His Word to be able to overcome. Know that we are very much in spiritual warfare, and the hater of your soul wants you to blame God. To be mad at God and feel as though He doesn’t care about you. That can’t be further from the truth, but you have to choose to believe His Word above your own emotions and interpret the current events in your life. There are many examples in the scriptures of God’s chastisement of His sons and daughters. However, if we do not learn from these examples and are disobedient, e.g., like Jonah the prophet, then there are some unpleasant and real-time” consequences. They may only affect us, but they could also affect our families. Israel wandered in the desert for 40 extra years. Were the children at fault for their parent’s rebellion? Of course not, but they also had to endure the extra years. 

You may get mad at God, thinking He is to blame for all the trouble in your life, but it is not Him or His fault. He permits situations, refining us, and in the process, we become more humble and dependent upon Him, as He did with Job. Probably the most intense testing recorded in scripture, aside from Christ Himself, but trials are never sent to destroy us, never, but to refine us. If gold could speak while in the furnace melting at 1,945 degrees, the dross would be separated from it and become pure gold, unmixed (which is one definition of purity, unmixed with the world, separate). What do you think it would say? And then afterward, what would it say when it is shining and pure? Probably the same thing a mother says before and after giving birth. 

He gave us His Life to save us from the natural consequences of sin. Also, He doesn’t have to cause or do anything for suffering to happen. He leaves us to ourselves; self, pride, and sin can easily take over and ruin our lives. It happens naturally as we pursue a life without God’s blessing or direction.

I find it interesting that when we want something, we are persistent until we get it. If it’s a car, we save until we can make a down payment. That car will last seven years, maybe 10, until we start looking for another one, regardless of how hard we worked to get it initially. Nothing is as eternal as our faith; we do not put the same effort into cultivating it as temporal, worldly desires. We are too earthbound.  In this, I find fault with us and often wonder how God remains so patient and loving when it cost Him everything. 

Nothing is greater, more lasting, or more important than our relationship to Christ. And those of you who know Him intimately know this. Yet often, for the rest of us, He is our second or third priority. We think, “once I get my desk work done, or finish all my calls then I will spend time reading my Bible,” and it never or seldom happens. How about saying I will read my Bible first and then trust Him to Help me with my desk work or finish my phone calls? Make faith an adventure, “trust (is twin to obeying) the Lord and do not lean on your own understanding” (Pro. 3:5&6). My time to read, as I’ve shared,  is my lunchtime. Sometimes, lunch is at 5:00 pm, but regardless of when I eat lunch, that is my time to be with Him. I encourage you to find a time that works for you, keep it, and be prepared to be tested. The testing again is the purification process, seeing if we meant what we told Him. Remember, anything worth anything requires commitment and effort, and our faith is the most precious and important of anything we have. 

Life hands us many opportunities to exercise our faith, but we only see the trial (the problem), not the opportunity given to us through the trial to trust Him. Often, our trials feel like threats to our security or hindrances to our success. Read the story of Joseph or David. All their “hindrances” prepared them to rule in fear of God. How many other stories in the Old Testament are there like this? They all start as seemingly insurmountable problems, but victory was gained because God was trusted. Let’s use a modern example of needing/wanting a car, but not any car, a nice one. If I could drive that car, that would be so cool. It becomes such a passion that it rules over our Bible study time; we can’t think of anything else. Why do we not maintain our time with the Lord, trusting Him, and then go with Him shopping for a car, making it an adventure (or a home, or furniture or clothing, etc.)?  I have bought about 21 vehicles, mostly for the business, but three were for my wife (we’ve been married 43 yrs.), and 4 for my daughters (2 each, replacing the ones they crashed). However, when buying these vehicles, I considered each time an adventure and prayed, trusting the Lord to lead me to each vehicle.

Therefore, each vehicle has a story of God’s faithfulness (even the totaled two). This is what we cheat ourselves out of when we don’t trust the Lord. 

In the Old Testament, they did the same thing; they built altars to the Lord after an act of God’s faithfulness to remind them and to be able to pass the story to their children.

About me: Since my youth, I’ve craved a Christian dad to talk to about the Lord. My dad was good; I knew he loved me. This, in turn, allowed me to believe that God loved me, so when God called me in my youth, I could believe His love because of my dad’s example. This is the most important role a father plays in the life of his children: to truly love his children. This makes it much easier for the children to believe God loves them. So many of us struggle with God loving us. Though we confess it with our mouths, getting what we confess into our hearts takes years of trial. A loving father shortcuts all these trials. 

Assurance, self-worth, and security come from knowing your Father loves you, which transfers over to God as you come to know Him. It does not start at 100%, but the roads have been laid in our hearts for confession of faith, and they deepen as we press into the Lord. We have the confidence to press into Him. Many lack that confidence and “wander in the desert for years of their life.”

So what happens if you were not raised by a dad who visibly showed his love? Some men, or men in specific cultures, have difficulty showing affection; it DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY DO NOT LOVE YOU. I am Hispanic by nature, and it is common in my culture to show love, anger, kindness, hug each other, etc., all the human emotions. A close friend of mine is English and Irish; his culture is more reserved. His dad was reserved in showing love, and he hardly got hugged as a boy. So, it was a greater leap of faith for him to believe God loved him. I have found this true of many believers and find it to be the root cause for many of us struggling with devotional time with the Lord.

God’s plan of loving us starts with our Father’s love and extends to God’s love. A mother’s love is critical as well. However, the Father’s role is to represent The Lord as the authority figure in the home. It’s much like a relay race where one runner passes the baton to the other runner. We are under our Father’s tutorage, and then there comes a point when God starts to call us unto Himself. The smoothness of the transition is initially based on how good a job the Father did. Such is the example of the passing of his love for his children to God, as now his instruction is tapering down, and God’s is beginning. So now, as an adult lacking this, you hear an encouraging message in church but still struggle to believe that God truly loves you with all your faults and issues. Because of that, it’s hard for us to sit and read the Bible. 

Despite our society’s indulgence in praising itself, true self-worth cannot be produced by the self. It is external and formed in childhood by those of your family who love you. Even being conceited is a cover-up for insecurity. To the degree a person is stuck on themselves is to the degree they are insecure and maybe even hate themselves. Security and feeling good about oneself happen when God’s ways are followed.

That’s the way God structured life and why He instituted sex only in marriage so that the children are born into an environment of love and see and feel family life. Fortunately, there is God’s Word for those lacking security and confidence. It is very powerful when one approaches it in humility and need. It is such a blessing. Also unique to our time is a program called The Chosen. It does an excellent job of showing Christ’s love for us, and combined with reading God’s Word, it becomes a powerful and effective tool to put the pieces of your heart back together. Also, and this is a must,  look up Bible verses and memorize them, like the ones I use in all the Vida’s. There is no greater verse for security than John 3:16.

John 3:16-18

For God So Loved the World

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but for the world to be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

In place of “the world,” add your name. And if He gave His Son for us, do you not think we are super special? To appreciate this verse, think of a time in your life when you did not want to do something, but you did it because of your love for that person. That is the beginning of understanding this verse if you can understand it.

Spend time memorizing this verse and others I share, and as you do, insecurity, inferiority, low self-esteem, etc., all these dark shadows will begin to fade in the light of knowing you’re loved. As that happens, your “shoes for battle” will “fit better,” you will hold your ground and even take the ground as a harmony of oneness develops between you and The Lord. Savage Garden has a famous song where she says, “I’m melting into you.” That’s the goal. 


Thank you for this simple yet profound teaching. Truly understanding your love for us will transform us. It will take time and, at times, harsh trials that seem to say just the opposite of love; we will suffer, but let us be wise and understanding and not let the lies of the enemy convince us otherwise. The wise among us will consider and read the accounts of your Crucifixion and realize that it was your love for us that put you up on that Cross. You could have spoken a word at any time and ended it all, “but like a lamb to the slaughter you uttered not a word.” 

Isaiah 53:4-7

Surely, he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth (a prophecy by Isaiah the prophet about 700 years before Christ, before Crucifixion was ever known as a means of death). 

Thank you, Father, for this teaching,

Your son by Grace,


Our Armor Part II, The Belt of Truth

If underneath our armor we have doubt, even just a veneer of it, it will not allow us to receive the Lord’s full blessing, fully accomplish His purposes, or defeat our flesh. Doubt is a robber of what would normally be an easy victory. Peter walks on water, which is an impossible feat, while he looks at Christ, but then, he takes his focus off Christ and looks at the waves. Fear entered in, and he sank. The same things happen to us. We can do some pretty cool things as long as we are focused on growing and serving Christ. If fear, doubt, disillusionment, pride, etc., “our waves,” and we all have them, cause us to doubt, the victory that should have been ours is lost. Now, we need rescuing. At times, not understanding what Christianity is about is part of the cause. 

We have Christian terms, and many times, they are not given enough definitions. We probably don’t even fully understand them ourselves. We say to someone struggling, let the joy of the Lord be your strength. God’s joy strengthens us, but how do I get it? Or, just have faith, and things will work out. Again, I agree, but how? Do I have faith in myself, as many teach, or how do I increase my faith in Jesus? These sayings are true, but they are short sayings of complex truths that need a better explanation, and they are not without their “problems.” For example, “I’ve had faith before and it didn’t work out, I still ended up getting a divorce.” 

I’ve got faith in something that does not work out. It can be discouraging; I’m sure we have all experienced this. However, as one matures in the Lord, you gain understanding. You begin to understand that any trial from mild to hard that brings you closer or more dependent upon Christ is a win for us, including the times when things are super painful (if you’re in a situation as such right now, I know it’s hard to believe that good will come from it. However stay faithful to the Lord, trust Him, and He will be faithful to you. Please believe me). 

Only in trial, in loss, in hardship, when life seems ugly and unfair, does it make us call out to The Lord, and as we do, we begin to see His faithfulness to us. In turn, those experiences grow us, and we begin to willingly surrender over all the superficial stuff of this life. Stuff that, before our trials, seemed so important to us. These things hold us so close that we don’t see how they hinder us until they are stripped away or we surrender them (which can also be painful). He allows us to see that it is His presence that we truly need, not the other stuff that we thought was so important. 

Without these hard trials, we can be “religious,” believing we are “good Christians.” However, we will completely miss out on the real relationship that we can have with Christ. I have come to trust Christ with every fiber of my being, and when things are hard and painful, and I do not understand, He does not owe me an explanation. He owes me nothing because He already has given me everything I could ever want: His love (bear in mind I’ve followed Christ for 40 years, reading the Bible daily). It’s been His Grace and Love that has carried me. My only part is that I made sure to be in His Word daily. 

Romans 3:10-12

As it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.

All have turned aside; together, they have become worthless; no one does good,

not even one (man without the Holy Spirit).

This is a hard verse because we cannot understand righteousness from God’s perspective. His perspective is sinless, and no one comes close to that. We all measure each other by each other; it’s like grading on a curve, and because of that, it is easy for us to feel good about ourselves, and sinful habits go unchallenged. True Holy conviction is lacking in us unless the Holy Spirit brings it or reveals to us our sin. Sinful habits, thoughts, or ways develop easily. 

Like barnacles on the bottom of ships, they develop because the ship’s hull is constantly in the water (as we are constantly in the world). From time to time, the ship needs to have the barnacles cleaned off. It’s hard work but a necessary job. Once completed, the ship travels faster and is much more efficient in everything it does. Our sinful nature and its habits are just like barnacles to our souls, and they need to be removed. It’s hard work, and because we don’t understand what the Lord is doing (wanting to remove the hindrances and blindness that keep us from seeing Him clearly), we get mad at Him, blame Him, or become so offended that we fall away. That is a wrong response. 

This is a bad example, but it’s like beating your dog because he’s biting your pants and pulling you, but he sees the rattlesnake, and you don’t. Many times, God’s faithfulness appears to be just like this dog; we do not see the danger that awaits us. 

He removes someone or something from us, and we get so mad at Him, but we don’t see how that person or thing stood between us and Him. So in love, He removes it or them, so now we can become direct recipients of His love. I can tell you that this was the reason 100% of the time in my life. 

Idols are things that we put before God; they can be people, things, and or sinful habits, though we would never admit they are idols. The trials show us. We want them more than we want Christ. He must remove them, or we must repent and remove them by His strength. Insecurities, fears, and patterns of thought many have developed since our youth (normally from our parents or events that happened to us) we are blind to. For these, we need His help. Both are barnacles to our soul, with the latter being the most difficult to remove but not impossible. 

If you are aware of these “stumbling blocks (another term for barnacles) in your life, pray first, asking the Lord to show you the verses in scripture that speak of them. With google, or any search engine, you can just ask, “where in the Bible does it speak of fear, insecurity, lust, or loneliness, etc., you will get several scriptures. Look them up, find the ones that speak to you, and copy them. Put them in your phone notes; you must also write them out, taping them to your bathroom mirror and the car dashboard, read them as much as possible, and share your struggle with a trusted friend, seeking prayer. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WITHOUT GOD’s WORD. THE VERSES YOU WILL FIND ARE YOUR SWORD AND SHIELD AGAINST THE SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE YOU WILL FACE.

James 5:16

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

With each trial conquered, specific stumbling block(s) are removed. The superficial (that which the world pursues) is replaced with true life as Christ comes into clearer focus. God immensely values us, but we do not even have a clue as long as we pursue our wants and pleasures. We always put our happiness into things, people, or situations we believe will make us happy. Sometimes, He allows us to get them and let these things fail, allowing the emptiness to grow inside. He teaches us that true contentment is not in things, people, or favorable circumstances, for we are all empty vessels apart from Him. 

It’s nice to get things we want, but they are never to be a substitute for Christ. I learned this lesson 30 years ago and have never forgotten it. It is a hard lesson for American Christians, but once learned, oh my, what freedom opens to us. So let’s settle this issue of having faith, not just faith, but trust, forgiveness, joy, peace, all these terms. They find their answer and ability to do in knowing Jesus and nothing else. As we get closer to Him, these attributes, promises, and blessings become more active and permanent. We then begin to fulfill a key truth of becoming a witness of Christ. 

1 Timothy 4:15-16 (ESV translation) 

Practice these things, and immerse yourself in them so that all may see your progress. Keep a close eye on yourself and the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers (see how complete the Bible is; a Bible verse follows up every statement I make)

**** There are several key points that this verse makes, but I only want to make one. Long ago, I read something that, when witnessing, you need to use words. I didn’t understand it at first because of the witnessing I had done; I always used words. I began to understand as I thought about it and studied the scriptures more. As a true believer in Christ, you are always witnessing. Your actions, your kindness, your care, your smile, your calm and joyful spirit (this may be harder for some of us) is constant communication that all points to a life filled with God’s Holy Spirit (if you are not experiencing this then I would be cautious when witnessing. Only speak of what is true in your life. For example, don’t speak of the “peace that passes understanding” if you do not have that). So that when you use words, belief is easy. Your hearer may not completely believe the full message, but there will be no doubt of the sincerity and truth of your words because, day in and day out, your life has demonstrated it.

To know Jesus and pardon me if I offend some of you is to be intimate with Him. The word “to know” in scripture has two meanings; it references the sexual relationship between a man and his wife (sexual relationship between nonwedded people is referenced as fornication; it is not given any honor in the scriptures). As an act in marriage, it is the most intimate and personal relationship that can be had, and it shadows the intimacy Christ seeks with us. 

So, in “knowing” Jesus, we refer to a most personal, intimate, and open relationship. Upon accepting Christ, The Holy Spirit comes into us (the exact words the Bible uses to describe intercourse) to dwell, and it’s not a one-and-done. It is just the beginning of our relationship. Growth happens as we spend time in His Word; in reading and prayer, you feel His presence and hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Whatever words you hear in your mind, as in thought, start writing them down, write neatly, date your notes, and review them before starting your next devotional. I always learned more in the review. Vida comes from this background. You will find that He is quite talkative. Also, let me stress that there are times when you do not hear or feel Him; it becomes a walk of faith. Provided you are not concealing any unconfessed sin, or He’s asking you to forgive or be kind to someone, and you are saying no. Any No on our part will put a stop to our growth.

Another analogy that is much less intimate is the example of planting a seed. We plant a seed in the ground, which needs water once planted. Jesus wants us to water our seed of faith through hearing Godly messages, reading His Word, and hearing Godly music. Music is so colored with sexual language that it is very important to listen to Christian music with clean lyrics. It may not have the beat, but sacrifice it for clean lyrics. If you do this as “unto the Lord,” you will be rewarded as your faith grows. Also, the frequency of hearing the gospel is important. 

Imagine if you only hear a Godly message once a week, and the rest of the week, it’s all secular influences, friends, music, and news. Do you think that you will grow “Godly?” Like a seedling getting only 2 hours of sunlight a day. It will be anemic and eventually die. The more “Son-Light” we get, the more strength and growth will occur. Our spiritual intake will not compare to all the secular influences we take in, not to mention our carnal nature that we have to engage with daily, but that’s okay. My walk with God has been built on a half hour a day and an hour on the weekends. God has honored the time I had and matured me. He will use whatever time you give freely. Don’t become legalistic in pursuing Him, for it will not work. Even in doing this, it’s a tug of war at times, and you will sin, but repent and learn from it and get going. 

Therefore, The Holy Spirit seeks permission to put out “roots” in every part of us. That means we must choose to position ourselves in situations and or opportunities where Holiness and Godliness are exalted. And vice versa, we must position ourselves away from and out of situations and circumstances that displease the Lord. Whether at work in ungodly conversations, at home, in my thought life, what I do when I’m alone, in the most personal times, etc. Growth also means allowing Him to throw out what doesn’t please Him. That’s called conviction. 

It’s a most uncomfortable feeling. It’s when you feel uncomfortable, even dirty, and you know that what you’re doing doesn’t please the Holy Spirit that abides/dwells in you. It’s like having sex with someone else who’s not your spouse with your spouse watching. We forget that God sees everything we do. Again, this maturing takes time, but nothing like shocking us into spiritual sobriety. Here’s a great verse that exemplifies the close relationship God wants with us. Listen to His tenderness. 

Psalms 32:8-9 

I will instruct and teach you how you should go and counsel you with my eye upon you. (Only) Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding (stubborn is being implied) which must be curbed (guided) with bit and bridle, or else (the promise of God’s) will not stay with you.” Do you ever wonder where God is? Maybe the better question is, where are you? Imagine that God Almighty will instruct us, teach us, and give our life direction and purpose, and it’s personal, with His eye guiding us. It does not get any better than this. Talking about security and assurance! If you feel lost, guess who got off the path? Repent and return to obedience. 

Also, there is this truth. You could be doing everything right but still lack peace, joy, trust, forgiveness, hope, etc. It is because we do not know Jesus intimately enough, compared to the conflict that faces us; we don’t have peace for the same reason. The roar of the lion, be it of fear, insecurity, lust, worry, etc., is louder than His voice, “peace be still.” Our struggle is greater than my confidence in Him. When I join the gym, I cannot lift 100 pounds; I have to work up to it. Just continue to present your heart and mind to Him, and growth will occur. So, if we struggle with forgiveness, we lack understanding of what He suffered to grant us forgiveness. 

I can guarantee it will not cost you or me what it cost Him. He also suffered God’s wrath as He was hanging there being punished, the Innocent for the guilty; my sins, your sins, and the sins of all who would come unto Him. We will never experience God’s wrath; I can’t imagine that. It is reserved for the devil and his demons and the unrepentant. Joy, peace, freedom, etc., are our reward, though we don’t deserve them, and it’s found in knowing His love for you and me, which deepens as we walk with Him. So, if your only resolve and take away from reading this Vida is the absolute need to know Jesus better through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship, you got it! Praise the Lord! The rest is the Holy Spirit’s job, provided we continue to study, “water the seed.” I would add one more thing: pray for a soft, willing heart. 

As we approach Easter, if you haven’t seen The Chosen, a wonderful, very believable depiction of Christ’s life and the disciples. Most of it can be seen under The Chosen app, which can be downloaded from the App Store. I would strongly encourage you to see it. It is also showing in some theaters, the app will tell you. 

Father God, 

Thank you for this devotional. It’s hard-hitting, seeking to cleanse the soul from all the vices, sins, bad habits, and addictions. Be it porn, alcohol, pride, or gender identity confusion, it’s all set right in knowing your love for us. It may take time, but the answer is found in your love for us. Now, Father, help our weaknesses as we turn ourselves to You, knowing that a repentant heart you will in no wise turn away. 

John 6:35-37

Jesus told them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”

The evidence of God’s presence is felt in the reading of Vida. I know that, not as a credit to me but to Him. As I write, I feel His Spirit in me and hear His Words, not mine. So please heed His Words. Thank you, and Amen. 

Have a blessed Easter. This even be your first Easter celebration as a new believer, son, or daugng. I’m so happy for whoever comes to meyou!!!

Thank you, Father, 

Your son by Grace


Our Armor Part III

Please watch the video introduction to my message here:

Welcome to this months Vida. I trust the last one challenged, encouraged, and inspired you to walk more closely and be faithful to the Lord. I know it does me.

Ephesians 6:11-12 (our theme verse) 

Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes (the methodology) of the devil (he studies us to dismantle our faith, looking for the weak spots that would cause us to stumble and maybe even renounce our faith). For we do not wrestle (hand-to-hand combat, the most personal combat) against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against spiritual wickedness over this present darkness in heavenly places (porneria is the Latin for evil or wickedness, it is where we get our word for pornography).

Ephesians 6:14

Stand, therefore (hold fast), having (securely) fastened on the belt of truth. The correct “Truth” is critical. Let’s examine “Truth” in light of God’s Word. 

It is important to note that the forces against us, though manifested in human emotions, are resolved in the spiritual. Worry and stress, anxiety and fear, lust, and greed are fueled and in line with our carnal nature. These, combined with the spiritual realm, are a far superior enemy. A word picture I can give you is they are fighting us with laser-guided missiles; they know just where to hit us. We are fighting back with pistols and rifles. How do we think we can combat, defeat, and achieve victory? It is not possible in our strength. Could this be why so many Christians live defeated lives? So what happens when we realize that we are failing? Well, if we don’t give up, we then become religious. 

We go through the motions, and our lives become filled with contradictions, saying and acting one way in public, but within our world, we live another. If this is you, you do not need to live this way. Freedom and truth are at the door. We have all experienced trying to be “Christian.” We make the error by thinking it is acting a certain way, and it’s not; it’s about becoming a follower of the Lord Jesus. I dealt with this early on until I realized that the more Christ grew, my life became easier. My life became more meaningful; I was becoming a Christian.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed (metamorphosis) by the renewal of your mind (through reading and hearing God’s Word), that by testing you may discern wha God’s will is, what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

This is great news. I’m not alone in my struggles; my transformation is not mine to do; mine is to nourish and feed the Holy Spirit in me, and He is to transform me (Amen). The Holy Spirit changes and strengthens me, enabling me to live a spiritual life that is foreign to me. For example, a dry sponge cannot clean up anything, right? The sponge needs to be soaked in water or a soap solution, which can be used for cleaning. We are all dry sponges. Dry and ineffective in our strength, we need to “soak” in God. What does that mean? It means that our cleansing solution (for ourselves) is made up of personal Bible study, prayer, attending church, and small groups where we can connect and share and be prayed for. 

Galatians 5:1

Christ Has Set Us Free

For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm (resist), therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery (fears, worries, lust, anxiety, etc.). This is the goal. 

The how…

Galatians 5:16-17

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do (so then, who wins? The one we “soak” with the most)  

The task that Christ would have us do is “ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt 6:33).” The process is simple in understanding; the one we prioritize will eventually win, but this is difficult and takes time. If you genuinely have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you now have the Holy Spirit. It is He who changes us, but He does not force change; we must agree. That’s where it gets a bit “sticky.” We do not always agree or want the change. Let me give you another analogy. When you plant a seed in the ground, what has to happen next for that seed to grow? You must water it and keep the waterings regular, so the seed can continue growing. 

If you stop watering, the plant will dry up and die. You do not worry about how the plant uses the water to make itself grow; you just know it needs to be watered. The seed of faith was planted in you when you accepted Christ. Now, the same way it got planted in you is the same way it will grow. Being in church, Bible study, prayer, and worship are the ways it will grow. It is no different. You must water it; otherwise, it will wilt and die, and you will think Christianity didn’t work for you. That would be the wrong conclusion. 

If this is you, come back to Him. Repent and ask for forgiveness. This allows Him to cleanse you and reunite you with Himself. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the power behind our transformation. It’s not something we can do on our own, and it’s something the Holy Spirit can’t do if we are not obedient. As water is to a seedling, so Bible Study, Church, and fellowship are to spiritual growth. Spend time with Him as you would your favorite friend, spouse, or place to stay. We take medicine to get well, and once taken, the medicine goes to work. The medicine does not hop into our mouths. We must develop the discipline to take it. Whether on an empty stomach or twice a day, following the directions is up to us. What if you only take a half dose? Will the medicine still work? Probably not, and it is the same with The Lord. There can be no shortcuts. As one would follow the prescribed doses, one needs to do the same in seeking the Lord. Being a “lazy Christian” or a “distracted Christian,” faith will struggle to grow. The seedling will not develop. From this point forward, it has been a team effort between The Holy Spirit and me. He does the work as I submit to His Word.

Joshua 1:8 (I quote this verse all the time)

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and have good success (your seedling will grow and in time become a tree).

We will undoubtedly fail on this journey, and it is a journey of a lifetime. However, the Lord’s forgiveness is so beautiful. It’s like the morning rain that refreshes everything. It’s like starting over without losing the growth you have made. 

Proverbs 24:16-17

For the righteous falls seven times and but gets up again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. Do not rejoice (however) when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it, and He is displeased. 

A truth we need to realize is that we are now in a spiritual battle. We have an enemy (we’ve always had satan as an enemy), and he’s always hated us, but before conversion, we obeyed and followed him through our carnal nature; we had a fake truce. Now that we belong to Christ, we have severed our relationship with him and become his enemy. His stated goal is to steal (our joy), kill, and destroy. So, do you want to go back to him, or would you want to flirt with him (John 10:10) and play his games? Many of us do and then wonder why we struggle with our Christian walk. To allow jealousies and envy to rule or remain in us, lust or pride, or anger, coarse or hurtful speech, seeing or saying unholy things, worry or fear, etc., giving these carnal emotions a haven in our soul, is to grieve the Holy Spirit and to hurt ourselves. We naturally have those things in us because of our carnal nature, but we are to oppose them and not go along with them. Only through the Holy Spirit can they be conquered. 

Ephesians 4:30

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (to seal something is to make it yours. A king would seal a letter with wax and his signature ring, and everyone knew the letter was from him. We are Christ’s letter sealed by His blood. When people read us, what do they read?). 

No matter how justified or entitled we may feel in having them, these carnal attitudes are spiritual weights. They weigh us down, weaken us, and come in conflict against the peace and joy the Lord wants us to have. We need to surrender these emotions; if we do not, they become strongholds, just like castles in our lives or jail cells that trap us. To become free, we must surrender ourselves to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. God has a much higher calling for us, and it is not a position or a thing; the Highest Calling is to Know Him Intimately, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In specific usages, the word “know” expresses the sexual relationship between a man and his wife, “ And Adam knew Eve.” If it is not used sexually, then it is very intimate. We have no greater calling than to know The Lord and be known by Him. The more I grow in Him, the greater my joy. He’s becoming my Great Reward, my Pearl of Great Prize. It is not my job that I live for, nor for a nice house, or for how much I earn, etc. None of these worldly pursuits fill my heart like His presence and love. 

Galatians 5:1

Christ Has Set Us Free

It is for freedom Christ has set us free (to fully love Him with no hindrances is the greatest freedom one can have); stand firm (military term/ resist) therefore, and do not submit (to come under) again to a yoke of slavery (any carnal desire contrary to God’s Word). 

What was the yoke? The yoke was a harness of servitude placed on the shoulders and neck of a beast of burden that enabled the farmer to plow his field. So whose field are we plowing, the world’s, for a yield that will perish, or are we plowing in our Father’s field, to give yields unto Eternity?  

As The Innocent was enduring His 39 lashes (the sentence of death was 40), He did not protest or say this was unfair. He endured, carrying His Cross afterward, a bloody mess, a grotesque human figure with blood running down His forehead from His Crown of thorns. Weakened, He eventually collapsed under the weight of the Cross. Then, His lacerated arms and body were stretched (His muscles and nerves were in spasms, wanting to contract) over a splintery Cross. He was then nailed to it. Nails more like spikes driven into His wrists and ankles. It’s enough to make anyone pass out, but He stayed lucid. I’m glad He didn’t say this was unfair or demanded His rights, for the next things He did is where He bought my salvation and yours. “Father, hold not this sin against them, for they know not what they do.” blinded by sin, we killed the one person who loved us so much that He was willing to die for us, taking our sins upon Himself. 

Then, the pain that I believed killed Him was that of a broken heart. For the first time in His Eternal Existence, he was utterly alone, separated from His Father, something He had never experienced. Something after the Cross will never happen again, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me.” Utterly alone, as The Father turned His back on His Son, God the Father removed His presence from God the Son. But He continued, “Son, this is your mother, and Mother, this your son ( he even considered His mother), and then the final words that bought it all: “ It is finished.” He then released His soul from His body. No one caused Him to die; He chose His time to separate His soul from His body. How He endured the pain is beyond human understanding, but at that point, He accomplished our redemption: A Man of men. Redemption’s root word means to be purchased back from the marketplace of slavery. Such undeserved love. If you truly understand what you just read, then there is no other response than to get on your knees and thank Him for such love. 

Questions: what loving Father would forsake His son in His hour of desperate need? I would not, and I’m sure you would not, but the Perfect Father of Heaven did; why? As God the Father took the sins of all humanity, past, present, and future, and placed them upon God the Son, He became a most polluted sacrifice that the Holy Father had to separate Himself from, and there He hung alone in the utter filth of man, your sins and mine. I know how crabby I feel when I screw up; imagine that a trillion times over. In light of this, you may want to reconsider your “entitlements.”  He did not go through all this so that you and I would remain in bondage to our pride. He died to free us from the traps of unforgiveness, entitlements, lust, and all the base natures of our pride. 

This is part I of the Belt of Truth. The Belt of Truth is having a solid foundation and a right and proper understanding of how God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit see us. If you truly grasp this, you will want to run to Him and run from sin. And when you sin, and you and I will, you will not want to be like Adam and hide from God; you can’t wait to confess your sin and get back into His arms. This devotional is strong medicine; I fear only a viewer can truly understand it. 

As we approach Easter, I encourage you to re-read this several times and allow it to soak into you. Become a well-soaked sponge🙂 Jesus is such a Man; you will never find one more complete, loving, understanding, or wise in giving our life guidance. Read The Bible, and stay close to it… 


Thank you for such a sacrifice. We are not worthy of You, but in your heart, we are. We were, are, and will always be the object of your affection. You are seeking a pure/Holy Bride for yourself. Help us to seek to be a pure Bride for a very, very, more than Worthy Savior. May we be able to apply Your truths to our soul, drink it up as the plants drink the rain. Let us be willing to let you deal with the weaknesses in our life, even too fast with prayer, so that we can become stronger and be more loyal and useful sons or daughters. 

I pray this for me and my brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Amen and Amen, your son by Grace


If you’ve come this far, please consider my book on Amazon:

Arthur is the website where all past Vida’s are archived. In addition to the weekly devotionals, the yearly inspirational writings featured in December’s House2Home Magazine are archived under “Faith Talk.”  Please use this site for your benefit and refer your friends to it as well. If they would like the weekly series emailed to them, they can send their requests to

Our Armor Part II

Please watch the video introduction to my message here:

I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas and New Year. We will be continuing our study on the armor. We just concluded our study on the Helmet. The helmet study has been a personal benefit to me. Mentally, I imagine a helmet of salvation over my mind, and instantly, I am refocused on our salvation in Christ, and whatever was stressing me is met with hope and a proper sense of priority. The Helmet “protects/changes” many things: our beliefs, thoughts, actions, how we relate to others, and our environment, including our hardships and blessings. 

All of this starts in our mind, and the Helmet encompasses everything. In tough times, our helmet focuses our thoughts and gives us our willingness to fight. Also, it has everything to do with how well or skilled we fight. Our ONLY offensive weapons are our sword and dagger (in some passages where the word is translated as sword, it means a dagger), and each has a specific use. Our helmet equips us with courageous thinking and the knowledge to use the proper sword. 

We know that our kingdom does not exist here, and because of that, we will fight courageously for our Father’s Kingdom, upholding His values. Valuing that which our Father values, we will rule over our flesh. This takes maturity and knowledge of God’s Word. Also, what use is our sword if it is not wielded with accuracy, strength, and the determination to win? It’s of no value. If we don’t fight knowing that the victory is ours because of our Savior’s victory, then we will lose the fight. All this comes from our mind, which is protected and directed by the Helmet of Salvation. 

Here’s a worldly example of how the Helmet works. Say you are going on vacation where you will be swimming, snorkeling, etc., but you love donuts. The last thing you want to do is gain a few pounds before the trip. You may even go to the gym and eat more salads. Why did the behavior change? Because the thought of going on a tropical vacation affects your eating habits. You want to look good in your bathing suit. The Helmet of Salvation works the same. 

How we engage with the world is affected by the Truth of God’s Word. Here is not our home; one needs to know the Bible and God’s Words to live like that. That’s why we are admonished to know God’s Word (Joshua 1). If we know the Word of God and continue in it, we will know how to conduct ourselves, what to think about, and what to reject. As we study God’s Word, we are becoming more equipped to defeat any thought contrary to God’s Word, and a Godly life will become infused into our souls. We don’t have to act, we just need to be (AMEN TO THAT) 

Psalms 119:10-11

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Our role is to hide God’s Word in our hearts and minds. Unfortunately, too many have not done this, and we eat the donuts. 

This is a recap from two Vida’s ago.

Now, picking up from the last Vida… God’s dialogue with Solomon. 

2 Chronicles 1:12

Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.

Would we not want God to say this to us? What did Solomon say to God for God to say this to him? It’s such a huge blessing. Most of us can handle adversity much better than blessings. The expression that the younger generation uses when something is super active, for example, your cell phone, instead of saying what I usually say, “It’s ringing off the hook,” they say, “Your cell phone is blowing up.” Well, that happens to us when we seek and receive the blessing without the character to support it. 

Like people who win the lottery, they didn’t work for the money, so they mismanaged it. Like the prodigal son, he spent all his inheritance that took his father his lifetime to develop, and within a short period, he was broke. He had not worked for it and hence had no character to support or appreciate it. He was reduced from a son of wealth to a slave feeding pigs for a gentile man (which shows that he was living outside of Israel and how far he had decreased. Pigs were forbidden in Jewish culture.) 

Just like the prodigal, we “blow up” like a balloon with the air of pride when a blessing comes our way. We take the credit for ourselves, becoming prideful and fail to be grateful. God often allows this to test us and show us what is in our hearts. Failing to acknowledge that this blessing God has bestowed on me was for me to bestow on others and not just on myself. Having this mindset keeps us from “blowing up.” We are [stewards] of His blessings, not owners. 

Without proper character development, which God seeks through trials, we will instinctively take ownership of God’s blessings. We will lose intimacy with Him as we allow pride to invade our hearts, making us “secular Christians,” which many of us are, wanting Christ (so we think) and the world. If you are in this position or want to be sure you’re not, read Revelation 3:13-20. It will open your heart and eyes to the trap that awaits each of us. It changed me in my early Christian life. 

Revelation 3:15&16 

I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich (it doesn’t take much for some people to feel they do not need the Lord). I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked (God’s view of us; our pride blinds us to the sin that controls us [pride, sin and I have what letter in common?])

Back to Solomon. So, what was the prayer he prayed? It was a prayer that came from his deepest being.

2 Chronicles 1:9-12

Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude (God’s promise to Abraham fulfilled). 

Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people (this is an expression for proper leadership )for who can judge this — thy people, that is so great?

And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart,(the purpose of trials is to bring out what is in our heart) and thou hast not asked for riches, wealth, or honor, nor — the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge — my people, over whom I have made thee king (or a husband, dad, wife, mother, manager etc).

Therefore, wisdom and knowledge are granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like. 

King David’s life (his father) profoundly affected Solomon and put him on the right track. Unfortunately, in Solomon’s later years, he departed from it and lost his fear/respect of God. This is a severe caution; many start well but finish poorly (how will you or I finish?) Just studying the Kings in the Old Testament, many fell into paganism. We must never allow ourselves to escape the Word of God, for it teaches us always to fear God. 

Most of the time, what is in our hearts is self-serving. It becomes most apparent in times of testing. Bad attitudes, impatience, selfishness, etc., all rise to the surface in the heat of a trial, as gold being purified and all the inferior minerals being lighter rise to the surface. Likewise, our sinful nature rises to the surface, being inferior to God’s righteous nature, and we become angry, foul-mouthed, loud, self-serving, bitter, etc., as things do not go our way. Upon seeing that, we have a decision to make. We can own our bad attitudes, stop blaming others, and confess it to the Lord, at which point God will forgive us and begin the process of cleansing our hearts, or we can ignore it and justify it and continue down this road for as long as we like. We will make ourselves and those around us miserable. It’s our choice.

When we confess our sins and humble ourselves before God, God’s method is straightforward. A repentant heart combined with God’s Word defeats mountains of sin in our lives. For example, say anger is one of our problems; in James 1:19-21, it would be only one of many scriptures to memorize, asking the Holy Spirit to apply this truth to our hearts until we see victory in this area (google Bible verses on anger). 

James 1:19-21

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted (be grafted) word that can save your souls.

Now, back to our question: what did Solomon say to The Lord for the Lord to respond as such? Solomon’s request is a great prayer, for it is entirely selfless, genuinely seeking God’s honor (a key to a good prayer). As mothers or fathers, we could pray this prayer for raising our children or grandchildren correctly, even including our work: “Help me to work in such a way that I honor You, Lord.” As a boss, manager, or lead person, to pray a prayer similar to that in my managing and dealing with people, I would honor The Lord. It would be such a remarkable prayer. We don’t have to be a King to seek to rule, manage, and raise kids so that God is honored.

Solomon felt overwhelmed by his duty (the fear of God causes you to want to do the task at hand in an excellent way), and it causes you to see your limitations. Therefore, the intelligent thing to do is humbly request The Lord’s help. Solomon requested help from the God of his father (the importance of a godly example cannot be underestimated). It is an excellent place to be with God when we feel overwhelmed, though it is very uncomfortable. Our prayers will not be casual; they will be intentional and earnest, coming from the depths of our hearts. 

The real me and the real you. Solomon’s prayer was just that. On a practical level, here’s an example of a prayer; “God, would You be honored as I deal with my boss or as I deal with my ex., or my child’s teacher, or a fellow employee, or help me to steward my finances in a way that honors You (2 Cor. 9:11-13) and give as You have asked me to do (remember disobedience in our finances affects the rest of our life with Him. How can He trust us with measures of anointing if we cannot trust Him with our finances). Would people not just see a man or a woman that speaks religion but carries the [presence of the Holy Spirit in them]?

If this becomes our prayers and the motive for our study, the armor of the spirit and the gifts that come with being God’s child will be impactful and valuable. Knowing that we are stewards of His gifts and not owners makes us more careful to honor God. God’s Word in us keeps developing our character to handle current and future blessings and challenges. The Word causes us to value the Giver of the gifts, and not the gifts themselves. And the Word also allows us to develop in humility, causing me to think Big of God and small of myself. The most crucial characteristic period; also the least prayed for. However, there is not a man or woman extensively used by God who does not possess this. Look at all the men and women from history who were ambassadors for God; they all possessed humility and valued it above all else, and those who lost sight of it fell. 

For without humility, intimacy with God will be alluded to. Further progression into the Heart of God is unattainable, but with it, there is no limit to how close we can become. As we mature, it is no longer an option to seek Him or not, but as one who has become desperate for His presence and love, we seek Him. For example, being blamed for the death of my brother would have destroyed me if there was not a foundation of God in my life. Where would I have gone to escape such a pain that you cannot outgrow or outrun? To a bar, drinking to escape the pain, or drugs, or how many divorces would I have had by now? I have been married to Lisa for 43 years, and I’ve never drunk 

or had an interest in doing drugs. There is no need or interest in blurring the lines, preventing me from hearing God’s voice, not even for a night. The pain that could have ruined me has only made me seek Christ more intently. 

If you struggle with trauma of any kind, would you please heed my words and stop blaming God for your tragic event? This world is not His, so we experience the pain that a fallen world has. He cries with us, but He has done so much more other than cry with us. He has redeemed us from what the effect of the pain could have had on us, using the pain to make us stronger. Then, we use pain to allow us to reach others. Know that none of us has experienced the pain He went through for us, not only the weight of all sin but the absolute separation from His Father, “My God (not Father) My God, why have You forsaken me (Matt.27:43). Such a pain, that it killed Him. Continued bitterness or blame only keeps you from being free and filled with His love and hope. You may not understand the incidents in your life yet, but I have come to know Him as my most intimate friend because of my pain. We can let the pain drive us to Him or from Him; it’s up to us. Getting this right frees you and me and means I can offer Him to others as I do with Vida. You, too, can bless others if you get victory over your pain. 

Trials prove the genuineness of our faith (1 Peter 4:12-14) 

Before we blame Him for our pain, look to His Cross and see the pain He underwent to redeem us from this temporal life, to make us right with our Heavenly Father for [Eternity & 1Peter 3:18) . If we do this, there is no way pity can govern us or put a wedge between us and God. As He meets us in our desperate times, we become marked by His love and experience His faithfulness. He becomes part of our story, and we become part of His. 

Okay, let’s discuss our shield of faith before closing. 

Hebrews 11:1 “By Faith”

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (that’s exactly what Abraham did. He believed he would have a son, though Sarah was not pregnant and very old.

Romans 4:19-21

And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

He was being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he could also perform.

Why is Faith likened to our shield and breastplate( though the breastplate in Ephesians is our righteousness, righteousness comes from faith)? Both armors, the shield, and the breastplate, protected the soldier from fiery arrows, spears, swords, etc. And what protects us from our “arrows.” The trials and difficulties are the circumstances the enemy uses to discourage and whisper to us that God does not care. He wants to lure us into doubt and distrust. If we believe, the doubt pulls us away from God, which is his intent to defeat us. The wolf always seeks to separate a lamb away from the flock; therefore, the more we know of God’s promises and His character, the better equipped we will be to quench satan’s lies and navigate the difficult times of our lives

So all this works, our armor, walking by faith, trusting, etc., or falls apart if we are not in God’s Word. It is the foundation for all the armor. Not great sermons, though they are accommodating, no doubt, and not Christian friends, though without them life would be very hard, but time spent between you and the Lord, alone; allowing Him to speak to your heart through His Word (the great messages or godly friends support or clarify God’s teaching). That is what Jesus meant by a Wise Builder (Matthew 7). He who hears the Words of Righteousness and applies them to his life will stand against the winds and the waves of life. 

1 Thessalonians 5:8

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.

In ending, the shield of faith and the breastplate of righteousness grow and develop in us as we spend time knowing the Lord. It is not hard to have faith in someone if you know them; the more intimately you know them, the easier it is to trust them. Life then isn’t so hard because you know and trust the person from whom you seek help. Amen


Thank you for this study. Help us to understand that it was only when Mary broke the alabaster jar that the costly aroma came out and filled the room. You want your aroma in us to INFUSE US and come out to the people around us, in our family, at work, wherever our life takes us; so, let us be willing to go through the harrowing trials, for in doing so, we grow closer to You and become a more helpful vessel in your hands. Thank you, and Amen. 

“Broken bread feeds the multitude, bread that stays whole feeds only one, ourselves.”

Your son by Grace,


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Arthur is the website where all past Vida’s are archived. In addition to the weekly devotionals, the yearly inspirational writings featured in December’s House2Home Magazine are archived under “Faith Talk.”  Please use this site for your benefit and refer your friends to it as well. If they would like the weekly series emailed to them, they can send their requests to

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 Vida4U – Our Armor – Faith(Part I) 

Continuing our study on the armor. We just concluded our study on the Helmet. Our beliefs, thoughts, actions, and how we relate to people and our environment, including hardships and blessings, all start in our mind – the Helmet. And in tough times, our thoughts determine our willingness to fight and how determined we are to fight. Also, it has everything to do with how well we handle our ONLY offensive weapons, sword and dagger (in some passages where the word is translated as a sword, it means a dagger). 

Because of our Helmet, we are equipped with courageous thinking, rightly discerning the situation and the truth of scripture that applies. We know that our life does not just exist here, and because of that, we will fight courageously for Heaven’s values. Valuing that which our Father values, we will rule over our flesh. What good is our sword if it is not wielded with speed, strength, and determination to win? It’s of no value, and we will lose the fight. All that comes from our mind is protected and directed by the Helmet of Salvation. 

Here’s an easy example of how the Helmet works. Say you are going on vacation to a tropical island where you will swim, snorkel, etc., but you love donuts. The last thing you want to do is gain a few pounds. You may go to the gym more and eat more salads. Why does the behavior change? Because the thought of going on a tropical vacation affects your eating habits. You want to look good in your bathing suit. The Helmet of Salvation works the same. The Truth of God’s Word in us affects how we engage with the world. That’s why we are admonished to know God’s Word (Joshua 1). Suppose we know the Word, how to conduct ourselves, what to think, and what to reject. As we study God’s Word, we are equipped to defeat any thought contrary to God’s Word. 

Psalms 119:10-11

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

This is ideal, hiding God’s Word in our hearts and minds. Unfortunately, too many have not done this, and we eat the donuts. 

Picking up from the last Vida…God’s dialogue with Solomon. 

2 Chronicles 1:12

Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.

Would we not want God to say this to us? What did Solomon say to God for God to say this to him? Such a huge blessing. Most of us can handle adversity much better than blessings. The expression that the younger generation uses when something is super active, for example, your cell phone, instead of saying what I normally say, “It’s ringing off the hook,” they say, “Your cell phone is blowing up.” Well, that happens to us when we seek the blessing without the character to support it.  

We “blow up” like a balloon filled with pride. We take the credit for ourselves and become prideful; we fail to be grateful. Acknowledging that this blessing God has bestowed on me for me to bestow on others. This mindset keeps us from “blowing up .”We are stewards of His blessings, not owners. Without proper character development, which God seeks to do through the trials, we will instinctively take ownership of God’s blessings. He will lose intimacy with us as we allow pride to invade our hearts, making us “secular Christians,” which many of us are now, wanting Christ (so we think) and the world. If you are in this position or want to keep a check on your heart so you do not become a secular believer, read Revelation 3:13-20. It will open your heart and eyes to the trap that awaits each of us.

So, what was the prayer that Solomon prayed? It was a prayer that came from his deepest being.

2 Chronicles 1:9-12

Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude( God’s promise to Abraham fulfilled). 

Give me now wisdom and knowledge that I may go out and come in before this person (this is an expression for proper leadership), for who can judge this — thy people, that is so great?

And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, (the purpose of trials is to bring out what is in our heart) and thou hast not asked for riches, wealth, or honor, nor — the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge — my people, over whom I have made thee king. Therefore, wisdom and knowledge are granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like. 

King David’s life (his father) profoundly affected Solomon. Unfortunately, Solomon departed from his fear of God in his later years. A serious caution, many start well but finish poorly. We must never allow ourselves to escape the Word of God, for it teaches us to always fear God. 

Most of the time, what is in our hearts is self-serving. It becomes most apparent in times of testing. Bad attitudes, impatience, selfishness, etc., all rise to the surface in the heat of a trial. We become angry, foul-mouthed, loud, etc., as things do not go our way upon seeing that in us we have a decision to make. We can own our bad attitudes, stop blaming others, and confess it to the Lord, at which point God will forgive us and begin the process of cleansing our heart, or we can ignore it and/or justify it and continue down this road for as long as we like. We will make ourselves and those around us miserable. It’s our choice.

God’s method is straightforward when we decide to change and humble ourselves before God. A repentant heart combined with God’s Word defeats mountains of sin in our lives. For example, say anger is one of our problems; James 1:19-21 would be the only one of the scriptures to memorize, asking the Holy Spirit to apply this truth to our hearts until we see victory in this area. 

James 1:19-21

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and abundance 

of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which can save your souls.

Back to our question of what Solomon said to The Lord. Solomon’s request is a great prayer, for it is completely selfless, truly seeking God’s honor (a key to a good prayer). As mothers or fathers, we could pray this prayer for raising our children or grandchildren correctly, even including our work. As a boss, manager, or lead person, I pray this so that I would be a Godly example to them. It would be such an awesome prayer. We don’t have to be a King to seek to rule, manage, and raise kids so that God is honored.

Solomon felt overwhelmed by his duty (the fear of God causes you to want to do the task at hand in an excellent way), and it causes you to see your limitations. Therefore, the smart thing to do is to humbly request help from The Lord. Solomon requested help from the God of his father (the importance of a godly example cannot be underestimated). When we feel overwhelmed, though it is a very uncomfortable feeling, it is a good place to be with God. Our prayers will not be casual; they will be intentional and earnest, coming from the depths of our hearts. The real me and the real you. Solomon’s prayer was just that, and it pleased God. Would it be to God that when we pray, and regardless of what we pray, when we finish, it would be that our motive would be that God would be honored? For if He is honored, we, too, would be honored. That’s exactly what God did with Solomon, and it is what God does with us. I feel so honored by His love and that He is involved in the simplest details of my life that I want to bring Him honor. 

On a practical level, here’s an example of a prayer; “God, would You be honored as I deal with my boss or as I deal with my ex., or my child’s teacher, or a fellow employee, or help me to steward my finances in a way that honors You (2 Cor. 9:11-13) and give as You have asked me to do (remember disobedience in our finances affects the rest of our life with Him. How can He trust us with measures of anointing if we cannot trust Him with our finances). Would it be that people would not just see a man or a woman who speaks religion but has the presence of the Holy Spirit in them? 

***If then this becomes our prayers, the armor of the spirit and the gifts that come with being God’s child will be impactful and useful. Knowing that we are stewards of His gifts and not owners makes us more careful to honor God. It’s God’s Word in us that keeps developing our character so as to be able to handle current and future blessings and challenges. The Word causes us to value the Giver of the gifts and not the gifts. And the Word also allows us to develop in humility, causing me to think Big of God, and in meekness, causing me to think small of myself. The two most important characteristics are period and also the two least prayed for. However, there is not a man or woman greatly used by God who does not possess these characteristics. Look at all the men and women from history who were ambassadors for God; they all possessed humility and meekness and valued them above all else. 

For without them, continued intimacy with God is alluded. In fact, further progression into the Heart of God is unattainable, but with them, there is no limit to how close we can become. As we mature, it is no longer an option to seek Him or not, but as one who has become desperate for His presence, so we seek Him. For example, being blamed for the death of my brother would have destroyed me. Where would I have gone to escape such pain? In a bar drinking to escape the pain, or how many divorces would I have had by now? I have been married to Lisa for 43 years. The pain that could have ruined me has only made me seek Christ more intently. If you struggle with trauma of any kind, would you please, please, heed my words and stop blaming God for your tragic event? He cried and cried with you. 

John 11:33-36

When Jesus, therefore, saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit and was troubled. And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!

He was not the cause of Lazarus’ death nor the cause of our pain and trauma. The awful truth is that we live in a fallen world that has rejected God, and all people, not just you or I, suffer/experience pain because of it. Our world is not the world He made. Continued bitterness or blame only keeps you from being free and filled with His love and hope. You may not understand the incidents in your life as yet, but because of my pain, I have come to know Him as my most intimate friend. We can either let the pain drive us to Him or from Him; it’s up to us. Getting this right not only frees me but also means I can offer Him to others, as I do with Vida. 

Trials prove the genuineness of our Faith. 

Before we blame Him for our pain, look to His Cross and see the pain He underwent to redeem us from this temporal life, to make us right with our Heavenly Father for [Eternity]. If we do this, there is no way pity can govern us or put a wedge between us and God. As He meets us in our desperate times, we become marked by His love and experience His faithfulness. He becomes part of our story. 

Our Shield of Faith

Hebrews 11:1“By Faith”

Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (that’s exactly what Abraham did. He believed he was going to have a son, though Sarah was not pregnant and very old.

Romans 4:19-21

And being not weak in Faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in Faith, giving glory to God;

Being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was also able to perform.

KlWhy is Faith likened to our shield and breastplate (though the breastplate in Ephesians is our righteousness, righteousness comes from Faith)? Both armors, the shield, and the breastplate, protected the soldier from fiery arrows, spears, swords, etc. And what protects us from our “arrows.” The trials and difficulties are the circumstances that the enemy uses to discourage us and whisper to us that God does not care. He wants to lure us into doubt and distrust. If we believe, the doubt pulls us away from God, which is his intent, so as to defeat us. The wolf always seeks to separate a lamb away from the flock; therefore, the more we know of God’s promises and His character, the better equipped we will be to quench satan’s lies and navigate the difficult times of our lives. 

So all this works, our armor, walking by Faith, trusting, etc., or literally falls apart if we are not in God’s Word. It is the foundation for all the armor. Not great sermons, though they are very helpful, no doubt, and not Christian friends, though without them life would be hard, but time spent between you and the Lord, alone, allowing Him to speak to your heart through His Word. That is what Jesus meant by a Wise Builder( Matthew 7). He or she who hears the Words of Righteousness and applies them to his or her life will stand against the winds and the waves of life. 

1 Thessalonians 5:8

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of Faith and love, and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.

In the end, the shield of Faith and the breastplate of righteousness grow and develop in us as we spend time knowing the Lord. It is not hard to have Faith if you know the person from whom you are seeking help. If you don’t know the person, be it the Lord or someone else, then life will be much harder than it needs to be for you. 


Thank you for this study. Help us to understand that it was only when Mary broke the alabaster jar that the costly aroma came out and filled the room. You want your aroma in us to come out to the people around us, in our family, at work, wherever our life takes us, so let us be willing to be broken for You as You were for us. Do all this in us… thank you, and Amen. 

“Broken bread feeds the multitude, bread that stays whole feeds only one, ourselves.”

Your son by Grace,


Vida4U Enjoying Life IX (The Helmet of Salvation) 

In our last Vida, we discussed the supercritical Helmet of Salvation and the Shield of Faith. These are cool terms, “I’m putting on my helmet,” but how do they work out in my life? Good question, because we don’t go around wearing a helmet or carrying a shield. They are symbolic, but they, like all weaponry, refer to solid decisions that we make. It’s like updating your iPhone. It’s the same phone, but the programming has been upgraded. It does something more that it didn’t do previously. The spiritual armor works the same; it updates our spirit man, enabling them to be more proficient in the art of war and hence allowing us to live more righteous lives. 

I will tell you how they work for me. Remember, I’ve been a believer all my adult life, so having a history with Christ has its benefits. For example, you can say, “I’ve seen this Goliath before, or have had financial concerns before, or have had to look for a job before, and in all these trials, He has been faithful. And remember, in a trial, S.T.O.P : Stop the panic, worry, and fretting, and Take the Opportunity to Pray and recall His promises. Christ was faithful before, and He will be faithful again. Remember, He willingly went to the Cross in obedience to His Father for us; how much more will He care for us now? We took our Goliath down once before, twice, etc., and by Christ’s strength, we can take him down again. How do we do it? We use the armor provided by the Holy Spirit. 

Ephesians 6:10-18

The Christian’s Armor

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (note the emphasis, in the power of His might, not yours or mine).

Therefore, put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (wiles – the method of taking down prey. Satan knows our weaknesses and lust and knows how to bait us)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (our battles are spiritual, so we fight spiritually using God’s Word. In our strength we are no match):

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having the Belt of Truth (foundational truth Acts 4:12 no other name…) and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And put on the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

So when I’m troubled, stressed, or not having a good day, I purposely remember the helmet of salvation (this is where training pays off). It reminds me that here is not my home, and the problem I’m dealing with, however grave, is defeatable, or I’ll outlive it. I saw a movie with Ben Affleck, and the setting was World War II. Every time things became challenging, you would see him pull out a picture of his girlfriend, and seeing her gave him strength for the next thing he had to do. That hope of going home gave him the strength and the desire to fight courageously to make it home. That’s precisely what the Helmet of Salvation does for us. It keeps us grounded and focused. Way too many believers get caught up in the concerns and affairs of this life, living as though this is all there is, that here is all that matters. That’s how you lose the war of spiritual purity and intimacy with Christ. My three favorite “Helmet” verses are….

Philippians 3:20

For our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we look to (and for) the Lord Jesus Christ: (this is a strong mindset that the helmet of salvation gives us).

1 Peter 1:13 

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming ( this is how the helmet of salvation affects our minds; it gives us a true and accurate hope for our future, a true north). 

2 Peter 3:11

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness (our hope should regulate our conduct)

In studying these verses, we see that the Helmet of Salvation is a mindset. You and I are ambassadors of a righteous nation, a completely different country with opposite values, and we are here to represent those values. Via God’s Word, we are anchoring our minds to the Truth, which is the structure and framework of that Nation. If we obey them, they help us to represent our King fully. That Truth helps us through the ups and downs in this life. To live life with minimal regrets because of God’s Word in us is incredible. 

The parable of wise and foolish builders is a good example. One who built his house on the sand had no desire to represent anyone but himself, and the one who built his house on the rock was the one who did not lose sight of his purpose or calling. This parable, as simple as it is, exemplifies a vital truth and a grave warning. 

Matthew 7:24-27

Build on a Firm Foundation (Luke 6:47-49)

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock (in scripture the rock represents Christ).

And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (great is mega in the Greek, massive, overwhelming, large) and very sad because it didn’t need to be. 

What was the difference between the two builders? They both knew how to build, but their expectations and the foundation they built on were different. The foolish builder felt that life was all going to be okay. As far as he was concerned, he had just purchased beachfront property, the best the world had to offer. There’s no need to go through all that extra work digging in rock for his footings; that’s for the super paranoid. The wise builder knew building on the rock was more work, but he also knew the ocean (representing humanity and its values) was not to be trusted. 

As beautiful and inviting as the ocean was, it was unpredictable, and trusting it would be foolish (Christ never trusted man because He knew the heart of man. From loving him one moment to calling for his Crucifixion the next). So, the wise builder was willing to put in the extra work, and as we know, it paid off. He listened to wisdom, which is what Christ’s words are. Living for this world and for all its pleasures, disregarding anything Christ has said or done, is to be a foolish builder. A funny saying comes to mind; “get all you can, can what you get, then sit on the can.” In essence, living for anything or anyone except for Christ is the attitude of those who ignore His Words. 

We are foolish to believe that there is no God when His handiwork is all around. We have the testimony of the scriptures, and to not do an honest investigation of what is written is to do ourselves a Great Disservice. The Bible can defend itself if one comes with an honest heart, an open heart to want to learn and not to accuse or find fault. To believe we see it all and understand it all is foolishness. And to disregard the life of Christ, His claims, teachings, and miracles, and then on top of that, the Crucifixion, as though it meant nothing, that there was no purpose to it, is to be a very, very foolish builder. 

Nothing is more potent than Truth, for the Author of the Truth is The Eternal God, The Great I AM, Creator Of Heaven and Earth. Every armor we are to wear and use is tied to verses in His Word and has the power of God Himself via the Holy Spirit. Just like Michael, the Arc angel did not rebuke satan in his own strength but said the Lord rebuke you, pronouncing the Holy name of God; Kurios (meaning Lord and Master) is also how we are to fight our fights.

Jude 1:9

Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, did not bring against him an abusive accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee ( which was power enough to defeat satan and gain the body of Moses).

So likewise, when we know God’s Word and stand on God’s Word, we get the victory. It might take a bit, but if we stay with it, not wavering, knowing that we are in a battle that requires us to be fully engaged and convinced in our mind( helmet of salvation ) that He can do what He has promised, our victory will come. 

James 4:6-8ll

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble ( verse 7 is valid only if verse 6 is followed). 

Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil (stand on specific scriptures that pertain to your struggle), and he will flee from you.

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded (come true with God; He knows us and loves us, and will not leave us like we are) 

Winning our battles requires a knowledge of God’s Word and a daily visit with Him. God required Joshua two visits a day in the scriptures, and what The Father requires of one child, He requires of all His children. An easy way to fulfill this is to read Proverbs in the morning( or you can put Proverbs on audio and listen while you are getting ready for work or eating breakfast) and then have your study during your lunch hour. That’s how I have done it for years. And yes, it means you pack a lunch and eat at the office or park, which means you only go out for lunch with some. It might hurt a bit, but five years from now, when two or three of your co-workers are having problems in their marriage or with their kids, but your marriage and kids are doing well, it will have paid off, not to mention a stronger walk with Christ. 

Now, why is Abraham called the “Father of our faith?”

Romans 4:20-22

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

He was fully persuaded that what he had promised, he could also perform.

And therefore, it was imputed to him for righteousness.

For good reason, Abraham is called the father of our faith, believing that Sarah, who is 100 years of age, could still conceive and bear a child. That’s a miracle, and then when God asked for Isaac to be a blood offering, Abraham obeyed, believing that what God caused to come to life from a dead womb, He could also raise from the dead. God had no intention of Abraham killing his son, but He tested Abraham so as to bless him so that his descendants would be like the stars of the sky. Abraham believed, and therefore, we are blessed. Know that behind all tests and trials is a God who is preparing us for the next step and the following blessing, and let’s take a side step from our study and ask what you consider a blessing. God asked Solomon that same question. 

2 Chronicles 1:7-11

On that night, God appeared unto Solomon and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.

And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast showed great mercy unto David, my father, and hast made me reign in his stead. 

Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.

Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this — thy people, that is so great?

And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honor, nor — the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge — my people, over whom I have made thee king:

Do you agree that knowing God intimately is a blessing more than riches or fame or getting what we want? Do we have a limit on believing in God? Jesus asked the disciples after He preached a hard and offensive message, “Will you too also desert me,” or will we be more like David? 

Psalms 119:10-12

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.

How do we follow in Abraham’s footsteps? It is first by putting on the helmet of salvation. That’s exactly what Abraham did when he believed and obeyed God over every visible circumstance that spoke to the contrary. 

1 Thessalonians 5:8

But let us, who are of the day, be sober (as opposed to being distracted, drunk, partying, or foolishly minded), putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.

These verses represent the best definition I know of what the Helmet of Salvation produces in us; without it, our walk would be fraught with defeat and sadness. People who know us will not want to be Christian because of our poor example. 


Do all this in us… thank you, and Amen. 

Enjoying Life Part VIII

Watch the video introduction to my message here:

In our last Vida, we covered what I consider to be the most important aspect of our life: the acknowledgment and reality of God’s love for us individually. Knowing that He loves us and IS IN LOVE WITH US is the greatest experience, change, and knowledge one can have. Nothing exceeds this. For some, it’s a long road to come to this awareness. Like many of us, we mentally believe that God loves us, but it takes trials and desperate moments to bring that truth to our hearts. I’ve shared my experience of how I came to know His love for me before, so I’ll do an abbreviated version. I was raised in the church, so I knew God loved, but it was only in my mind. Then Lisa and I got married, and in the early years of our marriage (we were 23 yrs. Old), we struggled. Therefore, we thought it wise to seek pastoral counseling. In the counseling session, the assistant pastor was stuck on how to counsel us because I gave him all the right answers. The problem was I had the Bible in my head as knowledge but not in my heart. Finally, the pastor asked that we pray, and he asked the Lord to show him what was wrong. Instantly, he knew. He said directly to me, and not to Lisa that I was trying to earn God’s love. I was trying to prove my worth to Him through my expanse of Bible knowledge (I was a good legalist; I kept all the rules). Of course, I completely disagreed with the pastor, but I thanked him for his time, and we drove back home. 

The church was in Napa, and we lived in Vacaville. It was a 45-minute drive, and during that drive, I was mad at God for not telling the pastor that it was Lisa’s fault because she was not reading her Bible. God was quiet. I foolishly thought I had won the argument, but then, about 5 minutes later, He spoke and said, “You know he’s right.” At that, all of me began to crumble as a house of cards, and I was miraculously able to see the reason behind all my actions and reading the Bible; it was all to prove myself worthy of His love. I accepted Christ as a teenager, and reading my Bible then was so that I could know the Lord better, the correct motive, but through the years, I drifted into legalism and lost the simplicity of my earlier years. I confessed my sin and pride of ever thinking that I could earn His love when He had already freely given it to me (and you) at the Cross. It was at an enormous expense and pain to Himself (a Cost that we will never fully understand). That afternoon, as all this settled in me, His presence felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me; it felt good to be home again.

God was dealing with my “performance.” I did not need to perform to be loved, nor do you; we only need to obey a topic we dealt with in the last Vida. A ton of anxiety was lifted, and I now started a new journey of learning to live as His adopted son by Grace. Hence, I write so much about His love and identifying ourselves not by I’m a mom, or a CEO of a company, or a computer programmer, or a policeman, or a full-time student, etc., all good professions, especially being a mom, but nothing is greater and or more rewarding than being His son or daughter by Grace, nothing. And I am not saying that we should not seek to excel in our work and work hard at it; in fact, the Bible emphasizes hard work, 

2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

However, this is not our identity; it is our occupation. Our identity, and there can be no identity higher, is to be His son by grace. Male or female, it does not matter, for the term “son” is nonsexual in this case; it is identifying a position, your place in God’s family. A son is a son is a son, etc., that never changes. However, you can be a disobedient son and receive discipline at the hand of the Father, or you can be an obedient son and enjoy His blessings. It is up to us.  

As His son, we will naturally have friends and foes, both human and spiritual in nature. It is imperative that we know the difference and accept constructive criticism from our friends and correction from God’s Word. As we mature, we learn to tune out, ignore, and or fight against statements, advice, and or spirits that are not from Him; basically, anything that does not agree with His Word. In this relationship with the Lord, it is imperative that we know His Word and how to fight. Our battles are spiritual in nature, not carnal, so we must use spiritual weapons, weapons that are not made by human hands but weapons that are powerful because they speak and represent God’s truth. 

Ephesians 6:10-18

The Christian’s Armor

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth ( we must know what God’s Word says) and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

There is so much in this. Paul is under custody, a prisoner of Cesar, and awaiting his time to appear before him. He was allowed to receive visitors, members from the churches he started that informed him of the state of the church, and then he would write and send letters to the churches addressing their concerns (hence the term the prison epistles). Since he is under Roman guard, he is able to observe the weaponry of the Roman soldier, and as he is writing to the Ephesians, a church in trouble, the Lord gives him wisdom to see how the weaponry of the Roman soldier can apply to the weapons we need to fight in our spiritual battles. There is too much here to speak on all of it, but I want to address a few weapons.

The helmet of salvation deals with our thoughts. How and what we think determines our course and future. It all starts with a thought, so if we get our thoughts right, in line with God’s Word, then God can bless our lives. The helmet of salvation also reminds me that Heaven is my Glorious Destiny; it’s my permanent home, not here. So, since there is no greater truth or destiny, how should I live my life here? I believe you can carry regret into Heaven, and I don’t want any. Eternity is a long time to be wishing you should have sought God more earnestly. I would have, could have, or should have; I do not want it to even be in my vocabulary. The helmet teaches me to tread lightly here, to not seek my fulfillment in this life. The things we want and think are so important here are not important, but you or I will not realize that without the helmet of salvation. If you have ever run track or cross country, there is no greater focus than when that finish line is in sight. Whatever is left in you is pushed out so as to cross that line. What keeps that focus sharp for a believer is the helmet of salvation. It engages our minds as we study God’s Word.

Another analogy, using computer language, what programs should we download onto our hard drive? The helmet of salvation helps me with those decisions and protects my mind from poor or fruitless decisions. It assigns me priorities to what should enter my mind. Without that, there are way too many distractions that are rivaling for that space. The Helmet of Salvation keeps our thought life in order and in priority. When you sense anger, jealousy, lust, inferiority, or pride, all emotions of our carnal nature, the helmet keeps you focused on what is true and what should be listened to and or discarded. It reminds me that I am living for Christ and not my pride or my rights. As He died for me and gave His all, now I live for Him. I have no time to become involved with worldly emotions, pursuits, and or worldly values that do not propel me closer to Christ. It was such a waste of time defending or fighting for my rights, making sure I got “my piece of the pie.” If I would just focus on knowing Him, He will give me my pie and my ice cream with it! What is it worth to live in peace, to have inner security and joy, to sense the smile of God in your life? For me, it is the ultimate, and isn’t that what we all are seeking: fulfillment and peace? 

So the helmet acts as an organizer of thoughts, keeping some and rejecting most, thus protecting my mind from the onslaught of garbage that the flesh and satan would want me to think on. Remember, a thought forms an action, and an action forms a habit, and several bad habits determine one’s choices, and choices determine one’s destiny. So we are not discussing light things, things that are insignificant; they are very significant and weighty in their effect. 

Now for the Shield of Faith. The shield of faith for me works best when, because of my relationship with my Heavenly Father, I can completely say, without a doubt, that that’s true or that’s a lie. I know my Dad and He has allowed this in my life not to hurt me, but to make me stronger. So many times when “bad things” happen, satan whispers, “If God was a God of love, why would He let this happen?” This is such a blasphemous lie, when as Father God crucified His only Son because of His love for us, 

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world (us), that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” And “Gave His only,” it was virtually a slaughter of His body and soul. When He gave, He gave it all and then some because of Their love for us. So I can take harshness, struggles, and difficulties in life, just like lifting weights or running hard. The fight is worth the results, especially this one, for it is for Eternity. 

We may not always understand why things happen, especially when we are trying to live right. Things are not just hard but painful, and nothing is working out. We must stop and consider what He suffered for us; then, we can undergo almost anything with the Lord. His character assures me that I can trust Him, and because I trust Him, I do not need to understand. That equals maturity, which simply means less of a focus on me and me wanting my rights and more willingness to let the trials and difficulties play out and produce the godly character that they were sent to produce in me. 

As long as God owes you or me an answer, He’s not God; you are. The shield of faith says I do not need an answer. I know that my Father is good and loves me, and I can trust Him, and that’s all I need to understand. 

In Biblical times, arrows were often fiery arrows, arrows dipped in pitch and lite. So, to combat that, the attacking side would have wood soaked in water tied to their shields. Hence the statement “quench the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. 6:16).” And what are fiery darts? Are they not lies that seek to ignite our emotions and or carnal passions, to trigger us to anger or lust, or to make us feel less than, or inferior to, or lies that are sent to frustrate us, or temptations that seem to promise enjoyment and or pleasure but in the end are traps to destroy or pull us away from the Lord. In essence, they feed our pride and make us feel we deserve that new car, or that big house, or that promotion, or a relationship with that person, but God’s Word is The Water (The Truth), and as soon as that thought enters our mind it is quenched when we APPLY GOD’S TRUTH; and the sooner, the better. The longer the thought stays in our mind, the more our emotions become entwined and the harder it is to get rid of it. So immediate attention is best. A revolving door is what we need. A thought comes in, and we see it’s not of God, so it continues going around the revolving door in our mind “with a hard boot in the end” as it exits.

We all have a need for this training, and the more we mature in Christ, the more we see and understand that we truly have everything we need in Him. This, specifically, is where humility pays off. It quenches pride, which is the root of this kind of temptation. There is no better life that can be lived than a life that is wholly dedicated to knowing, growing, and loving God. Jesus makes this invitation with a promise at the end…

John 15:4-5

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

I am the vine; ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can — do nothing (of righteousness). 


Thank you for this, Vida; your wisdom is freeing. Help us to keep You ever before us: a tight grip on You and an ever-lighting grip on the values and wants of the world. When we put diesel in the gas tank of our car, we will ruin the engine. It’s not meant to run on diesel, but gas is the wrong fuel. The same is true with us; our souls are meant to operate on righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, and fewer problems occur. Help us to understand, Father, that You designed our souls for You.

Thank you, 

Your son by Grace – Arthur

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Enjoying Life Part VI

Jeremiah 31:3

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

The cool thing about seeking the Lord is He is more desirous to have you know Him than we are to know Him. If He is allowed, He becomes our Best Friend, Spiritual Father, and Savior. As our Best Friend, He wants to be included in everything, and as our Father, He wants to spend time with His son or daughter, and as Savior, He longs for us to be with Him. As we read His Word, He wants to build us up, strengthen us, and make us men and women of integrity and faith, and you know what? It doesn’t come easy, but it sure feels awfully good. It will make you smile as it does mine and bring peace to our hearts. Like that old song, “Guilty feet have no rhythm,” righteousness is the perfect beat for our soul.

The only “problem” we have is God’s love, and despite all the evidence we have in scripture of His love, many of us do not know His love for us. We think I can see Him loving the pastor or “Billy or Lisa,” because they are good people and help in the church, but not me. What do I do? I’m not even a good Christian. We are stuck on performance, the act of doing. Doing is part of the Christian’s life. Jesus even said that by our fruits, people would know us, but fruit on anything, a peach, apple, etc., comes from the tree abiding in the soil, getting its water and fertilizer, producing fruit. So before doing so, we must be abiding.

John 15:4-5

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

I am the vine; ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can — do nothing.

I can’t entirely agree with churches that send new believers into the community for service work. They are too young in the faith to represent Christ adequately. They need to go with a mature believer. It would be like sending two new employees to do a landscape job. It would be such a poor reflection on me and the company. 

Is there a way to measure when we are ready? An excellent gauge is Psalm 1.

Psalms 1:1-3 

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (where do our affections lay?).

When you find yourself enjoying the presence of the Lord more than the world, I think that’s a good indication. However, let’s ask a few simple questions: what distinguishes Psalm 1, man or woman? Do they have a master’s in Theology, or are they on several boards of charitable organizations? We put so much emphasis on education or training, but these scriptures do not say anything about that. They say that our heart’s delight is in God’s law and that they meditate on it frequently. If we do that, God will give us the words. The word blessed here results from the Word being one’s delight. Have you come to this for yourself? 

Proverbs 3:13-14

Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gets understanding.

For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

Being blessed is the state of being content, not because of wealth, favorable circumstances, or any external things, but because we live according to how we were made to know the Lord. Paul and Silas sang praises in jail in the middle of the night, and they were in pain from being beaten earlier (Acts 16:25). To find pleasure or delight in God’s Word as our chief source of peace and wisdom is how you know you are maturing. Question: how much time should we spend in prayer and Bible study? I spend a 1/2 hr. daily ( my lunch time) and would love to have more. So, I make up for it on the weekend, but my faith has been built on a 1/2 hr. a day. That’s one reason why it takes me so long to write Vida.

My next question is: Do trials, problems, and frustrations help us to grow? Here’s an answer most people do not like, but absolutely! Without trials, there is no growth. Again, back to plants, when do they aggressively put out their roots, when there’s plenty of water, or when there’s a lack of water?

Romans 5:3-5

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

And hope maketh not ashamed; the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given unto us.

To know God’s love for YOU is INCREDIBLE. It is not intellectual but heartfelt. It enables you to undergo trials and difficulties, seemingly impossible situations because you feel connected to Him. It’s wonderful. However, as part of our training, He sometimes pulls away. It’s like walking a mountain path. During the day, it’s easy; you can see the path and feel the sun’s warmth, but continuing through the night is a different story. It’s pitch black and cold; unlike the day, you cannot see what’s ahead of you. We must trust and exercise our faith that He is still there and will not let us fall off the path. Scripture says, “for the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17).” These are the trial periods in our life. They are necessary, like lifting weights or running to lift more or running longer. It’s hard. It’s not easy to fight against your flesh. We may consider these the dry periods in our lives, the testing of our faith. 

Romans 7:22 – 8:1

For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

O wretched (divided) man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For those of us who have been raised with love, this is not as big a challenge as for those who felt rejected growing up. Now it feels as if God himself is rejecting us, or for those of us whose love was conditional, “I love you IF you act this way, or do this for me,” which is absolutely not true of God; God loves us period. However, when God feels absent, it’s tough. Performance, or conditional love, is not love. Imagine living in a glass house (our soul)and looking out from there. Life is like looking through a clear window for those of us who have had at least one parent or grandparent who loved us. The majority of us have not had that privilege. Life for us is like looking through a window of shattered glass, and to the degree that we have been hurt and or rejected is to the degree our glass is shattered. 

You can have two people, one raised with love and one raised with conditions/rejection experience, hear the same thing, and come back with a completely different reaction and interpretation of the situation. 

And it can be frustrating for the one whose glass is mostly clear. However, the one who sees life through shattered glass cannot be expected to see in the same way as the one whose glass is clear. Their interpretation of the event and or life, for that matter, is seen differently. Generally, the one whose internal window is clear tends to trust people more or believe things will turn out okay, especially with God involved. The other struggles with trust and tends to believe the worst. Trust must be earned countless times with them. Therefore, the one who is a conduit of God’s love for them must apply much love, patience, and continued kindness. 

The end goal for the one struggling with life is for them to come to the Lord without the fear of being rejected by Him. A lot of times, people don’t read their Bibles because of this fear. It’s much safer and easier to “believe” God loves you but never actually experience it. What if you come to Him and He rejects you, like your parents or spouse? Where do you go? That fear, for some, is insurmountable. We who know God’s love underestimate our role as parents, spouses, and friends. How we treat our relationships, especially those that are wounded, is how they will feel God feels about them. 

Our role is vast, and if you are going to make a mistake, over-love rather than under-love. I can promise you you will get criticism for being too soft or spoiling the child, but that criticism will likely come from those who have not experienced God’s love for themselves. Note the source, pray for them, and love them too.


Our self-worth is a delicate thing. It should come from the Lord. However, He is too abstract for shattered glass people, and that bridge is too long. We cannot see or feel Him, and if we are honest with ourselves, we even struggle to believe that our spouse loves us, but at least we can see them. We may say God loves us with our mouths, but our actions prove the contrary. That emotional wall of separation is hard to tear down. Would you share your hurts, most profound longings and fears, joys, and tears with someone you don’t know? We might go to church because it makes us feel better about ourselves, and we could even become super busy with church. 

Volunteering is a means to prove to ourselves, to others, and to God that we love Him or that we are good people, but action is not proof of love; proof of love is ABIDING. However, God’s love in us produces sincere action, the action that wants to glorify Him. We can spend every free moment on church activities, and within 5 to 10 years, we will be burnt out because we were doing it in our strength, not God’s. It was all for the wrong reasons. I’ve seen this happen multiple times, and it is not Christ’s doing. Read Psalm 23. Does this overburdened with doing seem like something He wants from us?

Psalms 23:1-3

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Let’s learn, and press in, and truly know that God is our Shepherd. Amen? 


Thank you for this study. Please apply it to us and cause us to make You our treasure, like the man in the parable who sold all his possessions to buy a field because of the treasure in the field. Help us to release the care and wants of this world into Your hands, knowing that You want to fill us with Your love, and these other things are simply distractions trying to route us away from You. 

Thank you, and Amen,

Your son by Grace,


Matthew 13:44

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field (that treasure is Jesus and selling all to know Him better).

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Enjoying Life Part V

Anything we pursue in life has the potential to enslave us, but pursuing Christ frees us; why? 

Adam and Eve’s disobedience caused them to lose the Holy Spirit, just as we do when we sin. Sin causes a break in our fellowship/communion with the Lord. Similar to an argument between your spouse or your child. Until amends are made, and forgiveness enters the relationship, separation remains. It is no different with God. However, forgiveness carries a heavy price tag on God’s end. 

To forgive my wife or her to forgive me requires a heart-to-heart conversation. For God to forgive us brings Him back to the cruelty of the Cross and His Son hanging there, saying, “Father forgive them for they no not what they are doing.” God’s Kingdom runs on principles of holiness that cannot be violated. Our longings and desires have been corrupted even with Christ in our lives. We must learn to honor and love God, which is our created purpose. We do not understand that because of sin’s effect on our life. We cannot love God as such because we love ourselves too much. Hence, we are naturally absent of God’s presence, but through repentance and placing our trust in Christ, we can again enter into the relationship we were created for.

When we pursue our passions absent of Christ, we can find contentment, but it is short-lived. As time goes on, we find we need more. More money, achievement, praise, challenges, etc., and our life becomes driven. If we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit comes, which is what Born-Again means. However, the Holy Spirit is jealous of us, and He wants no other gods in our lives. We’ve all heard the saying that three is a crowd, well that’s very true for us. So He starts to mess things up in our life. The things that we used to enjoy and thought were necessary must go. We learn that we made little gods out of them, seeking fulfillment from them. As we pray and read our Bibles, we begin to find the peace we have longed for. So, as we make purposeful decisions to seek Him and forsake our past “lovers,” our sense of well-being grows. Yet, make no mistake, it’s a fight between light and darkness, between Truth (Freedom) and deception (enslavement), and we decide who wins.

If we spend hours on social media, hanging out with non-believers (our friends who do not value God), and maybe two hours a week at church or reading a devotional, guess who wins? The world does. Whoever we spend the most time with influences us the most. We must make purposeful decisions to add to our faith, and as we do, righteousness, peace, and a sense of feeling good about ourselves grow. If we choose to go our way, we will not change. Then we are back to feeling insecure about ourselves, empty and depleted. Feeling good about a bad decision is virtually impossible if you are genuinely born again. God’s hand is on you, convicting you, calling you to return to Him. Even if you have never accepted Christ, you can be experiencing these feelings because Christ is calling you out of the world unto Himself.

There were very few people God recognized and used in the Old Testament because of our sinfulness. We find that these people were prophets and a few kings. They were people who feared God, and they had this reverential fear of God in common. Because of our affluence, many of us live as though we do not need God; most of our needs are met. We believe in Him but are not desperate or dependent upon Him. We do not read His Word or pray daily; for example, we thank Him for our meals. If we are having a difficult day, we might pray. The expression “to walk with God,” as in “Enoch walked with God” (Genesis:5.21-24), means a frequent dialogue with God, as one has with a close friend or spouse. 

I love Creation; it reminds me to dialogue with my Heavenly Father. There are these tiny birds I see during my work day and how detailed they are in their plumage; or when we travel east on the 80, I see the vastness of the mountain ranges, and it all speaks to me about a God who is detailed in His making and vast and grand in His powers, and I tell Him so. Taking note of all these things helps build my faith in the hard times. Another example is when we clean our homes. That can become one of the most intimate prayer times as we ask the Lord to clean our soul and remove the sins that cling so easily. Or when work is frustrating, ask the Lord for wisdom and endurance to see it through, just as He, Christ, completed each daily task the Father had for Him. If you ask Him to open your eyes and heart, many circumstances can become a prayer. 

For those of us who are married, do you remember when you were dating your spouse; was there any such thing as talking to them too much? And when we were apart, we were always thinking about them. That is precisely the relationship God is wanting with us. A love relationship. If we would only believe that this is exactly how God feels about you and me. He does not care if you are “somebody.” Understanding and believing this, don’t you think you would read more and seek to know the God that loves you so? There is no grandeur privilege in the world other than to “walk with God.” Insecurity comes because we were never meant to be disconnected from God. But because we are, insecurity entered man’s heart, but from the beginning, it was never meant to be so. Christ came to reverse that. 

Psalms 139:17-18

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee.

The Lord constantly has us on His mind. Unfortunately for us, life can turn into routines. We go to work, we come home, we take the kids to football, dance, or cheer (as it is in my family), come home, have dinner, take a shower, go to bed, and wake up to do it again. The routine of life can, if allowed, make our walk with God routine as well. We can become stale in our seeking. We maintain this spiritual routine until a trial or a crisis strikes, and the seeking becomes desperate. We begin to understand how fragile our world is. We are not as insulated as we thought, so we learn that it doesn’t just happen to the other guy but also to us. Through these crises, we learn to prioritize what is essential, and now it’s not about my agenda but His. How many of us can attest to this? Tragedy or crisis, as it were, takes the “dust off” our relationship with God, and we re-appreciate what we have been blessed with.

How can we prevent the routine of life from collecting dust on our relationships, especially our walk with God? I don’t think we can completely. I think it’s human nature to do so, and we need to go through trials and defeats for those experiences to change us and become the impetus for us to grow and seek Him. They help us cut the strings of human relationships that keep us from trusting God solely. Let me share some critical verses from Jeremiah, the prophet.

Jeremiah 17:5-6

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited (a picture of what happens to our soul).

I am a little concerned that as we live life on the foundation of our faith, to love the Lord with all our heart gets diluted because of these relationships not only with them but with activities, schedules, and or business, and soon, almost without knowing it, we have drifted and our foundation is weak. Our “faith” can quickly become a mixture of good deeds and religion( religion is like staying married, but there’s no love). As such, this “spiritual cancer,” I’ll call it, grows going undetected, and no bells are going off; in fact, we are mostly enjoying life. Kids are good, marriage is good, and there’s money in the bank, but then, as we think back, we remember days when we felt God’s presence more and prioritized Him more; what happened? And instead of addressing it as we should, we dismiss it and keep moving forward, unaware that our spiritual cancer is growing. What can we do?  

Psalms 119:9-12

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse (or anyone) his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.

First, confess it to the Lord and then understand there can be no compromise between activities, schedules, etc., and reading the Word. I read my Bible during lunch daily; at times, lunch is at 5 p.m. The day has been so busy that I could not stop, but my time with Him is non-negotiable. So whether it’s at noon or five is not the important part; the important part is that I spend time with my Father daily. Next, we must acknowledge that our work (or business) can make us feel needed and important. It’s kind of a fake phobia. We need to acknowledge that and repent. Nothing is more critical and needful than when God calls you into a relationship with Him; that’s paramount to anything else we do or will ever do. Do you believe this? Most of us don’t, and that’s where the problem lies. What did God tell Joshua, and do you think it applies only to Joshua or us? 

Joshua 1:8-9

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make — thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

***I know that He is not just speaking to Joshua but to all who follow Him and want to conquer their carnal man or woman and life in general. We also want to go through our lives sensing His presence and being His light in our world. Therefore, ask yourself what activities, actions, or thoughts are taking you away from Him. In Bible times, the Kings would make alliances with other kings when they perceived that the enemy King coming against them was stronger than them. Judah’s Kings did this constantly, which offended God greatly. However, a few Kings, like King David and King Hezekiah, for instance, trusted God. Even when the odds were ridiculously against them, they’d trusted, and God delivered. Because of their trust, God was able to be God, which allowed the nation to experience His love, provision, and protection. 

Isn’t that the point of difficulty that we demonstrate and teach our family that God is faithful? As they grow up and face their difficulties, they will have a legacy from their parents of God’s faithfulness. What better “life education” can there be? Our lives are continually telling a story; what story is your life telling? Do we make alliances to self-promote with decisions/ people that do not fear God? Or are we trusting the Lord to promote/provide for us? It’s one or the other. It cannot be both.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit (so cool that we have the opportunity to be just like this tree).

The heat and the year of drought are the things that cause the tree to spread out her roots in search of water, making the tree stronger. When strong winds come, and they will, it stands because it has dug deep into the earth in search of water. As with us, adversity is meant to deepen our relationship (our roots) with the Lord. Through His Word, He waters us. So we too can be planted by rivers of water if we choose to be. This enables us to prosper during the hard times. Remember the last Vida, we are the ones who determine how close to God we want to be and how close He is to us (James 4:8), and then there is this warning….

James 4:6-8

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble (humility, the most incredible jewel one could seek. For in humility one truly begins to see the greatness of God).

Submit yourselves, therefore to God (come under His authority), and “then you can” resist the devil, and (who will flee?) he will flee from you (for now, through submission, you have Power on your side). 

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.

Jeremiah 17:9-10

The heart is deceitful above all things and — desperately wicked: who can know it?

I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Praise the Lord that He loves us enough to search and try us. Without that, we would be lost in our deceptions).

And because this is true of every one of us, there is a prayer that we need to pray and be prepared for God’s answer.

Psalms 139:23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (never lose the desire to pray this prayer earnestly and to repent when God puts a loving finger on us. 

God’s words to a church He was concerned about:

Revelation 3:14-17

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth (as in bad-tasting water or temperate coffee when you want it hot).

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and need nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked (this is the effect or fruit of pride). 

As much as it hurts to be in God’s crucible, it is one of the safest places on all the earth. In one of the more difficult times of my life, when the pain was intense, God gave me a couple of visions. One was of cattle being branded. Though the branding process was painful for the cow or bull, it gave it its identity. It wasn’t a stray; it belonged to a specific ranch that provided for its care. The following vision (without me saying what I just said) would seem extremely cruel. The pain I was living with was extreme; my heart was breaking for my eldest daughter, who had left the home and gone to Mexico with a friend. She had stopped going to church and wanted to chart her course. Both were too young for such a venture, and I knew satan wanted her. I prayed constantly, many times through tears. 

Those years were long and painful, and my steps were heavy as I sought God for her. I asked God why the pain was so intense. I was not the only parent struggling with their kids. He returned to the cattle branding and showed me an operating room. Here’s the part that seems cruel. Job (Old Testament) went through his crisis, which on the outside seems very cruel of God until you read the end of the story. That experience is what made Job. He kept his integrity and never once profaned God’s name, which satan bet he would. 

So, in answering my question about the intensity of the pain, He first showed me an operating table. On that table, I had no shirt on, and the surgeon had a hot iron in his hand. He took that iron and placed it firmly on my chest. The pain was so intense my mind blew up with it. I could not think. I jerked, screamed, and tried to get up and flee the pain, but I was firmly tied. The pain lasted for what seemed hours until finally, through exhaustion, I succumbed to it, and numbness set in. 

When the surgeon removed the brand, I saw it was in the shape of The Cross, and then the surgeon removed his mask and, with eyes of the deepest love, looked at me, and I saw it was my Lord, and then I woke up. I lay in my bed for some time, trying to understand. Did it take this much pain to make me His? I never got an answer, so I went to the Book of Job to see if I could get some insight. I saw that God never answered Job, either. However, through it all, he experienced God in such a tangible way that he would not have gained such intimacy without it. I think any of us who have had periods of suffering and remained faithful to God would agree. If intimacy with God is the goal, then no price is too much to pay. Do you believe this? 

After this period, His presence became so much more real to me. My experience gave me a deeper appreciation for what Christ suffered for me and whose sufferings were beyond human experience. I was good with not getting an answer; I didn’t need one. So, like Job and many of us who undergo hard trials, the trials and hardships refine us, making us stronger and more committed. It is also important to note that our personal experiences, good or bad, do not define God. In other words, God is not good because I am having a good day, and conversely, if I am having a terrible day, God does not suddenly become a bad God. God is always righteous and loving regardless of what I am experiencing, and in so believing, I, too, maintained my integrity before God. Through His Word, God defines Himself, and the suffering He endured for us all is more than sufficient to forever keep Him out of the arena of human judgment. Finally, after three long years, she came home with stories of Divine protection, and I just wept. That experience has turbocharged my prayer life and has put steel in my soul. 

Revelation 3:19-20

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous, therefore, and repent (because He loves, He chastens and rebukes; it’s for no other reason than to purify us and draw us closer to Him).

Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), and knock (that conviction is God knocking, don’t ignore it): if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come unto him and will sup with him, and he with me (repentance opens the door to sweet fellowship with the Lord). 

Job 42:1-6

Job’s Humility

Then Job answered — the LORD, and said,

I know that thou canst do everything and that no thought can be withheld from thee (that’s amazing; not even our supercomputers can know our thoughts).

Who is he that hideth (as in concealing his sins) counsel (as in giving advice) without knowledge (this is Job rebuking himself; he earlier on held God in judgment) therefore have I uttered that (which) I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. (Earlier in the passage, God said this to Job, so now Job repeats God’s words back to himself, realizing how blind he was).

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

Wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.

Before trials and tragedy, we credit ourselves with a certain amount of knowledge; however, after encountering the Lord, we realize how little we know. This blindness, or lack of spiritual sight, is because of our sinful nature. If we yield to it, drifting from God begins as our consciousness becomes a bit more seared (calloused). If we continue down this road, as many have, it can and will lead to backsliding. Eventually, we can wake up one day to find that we don’t believe in God. It can become that serious. I’ve talked to plenty of people who have said I used to go to church and believe in God, but I don’t anymore. 

They allowed their disobedience, which may have started as a hurt, to fester until it became so bad that it became a wedge between them and God. Satan then used that to remove faith from their heart. Once that happens, it’s just days before they decide to walk away.

Blaming God is the lazy man’s way out. To not wrestle with pain and disappointment or seek counseling is to do a massive injustice to the love that put Christ on the Cross for us. We are only seeing our pain and not His. We need to see His; we need to see that His pain far exceeds anything that we would ever go through. If you have a hard time believing this, read all four gospel accounts of the day leading to the Crucifixion and the day of, and then read Isaiah 52, a prophecy of His Crucifixion. Just because we do not understand is not cause to walk away; we need the Lord. We are at our own expense being too myopic. 

Father God, 

We cannot see the effect sin has on us, and we don’t know without You revealing to us through trials the effect of our sinful nature, our rebellion, and our pride. We need to be sanctified by You. Humble us, Father, and create a church that loves You and seeks to love You first, before anything, and then let us become Your light, arms, and voice. 


Your son by Grace, Arthur

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Enjoying Life Part IV

Watch the video introduction to my message here:

1 John 2:3-6

The Believer’s Assurance

And hereby, we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments.

He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God (being) perfected: hereby know we are in him.

He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (God’s peace, unlike the world’s peace, which is circumstantial, is different because God’s peace is relational. In other words, even in your worst days, you can have peace because He has promised never to leave us, and He’s promised even to make the hard things, the wrong things, to work them out to our good. A promise that only an Omnipotent God can make and to the degree we believe Him will be our peace).

1 John 2:15-17

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him (a desire to attain and hold to the world’s values as opposed to God’s keeps us separate from Him and calls one’s faith into question).

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

What is lust, and why is it so strong? And I’m not just talking about the opposite sex, but as the verse states, the lust of the flesh, which is the body’s carnal appetites, the lust of the eyes, that which comes into our eye gates and the pride of life, that which strokes our ego. The scriptures break lust down into these three separate categories, and within each category are many examples. If I sought to list them all, this would become the longest Vida yet (I will not, so don’t worry). 

Simply put, and regardless of which category the lust is in, lust is a form of worship. Lust wants to compete and replace our relationship with God. If it succeeds, for that period of time, we have dethroned the Lord Almighty and enthroned our new ruler, and from being a son or daughter of the Most High God, I have now become a slave to a thought or a passion. I don’t know how many of us realize this is what happens. It first affects our relationship with the Lord, and then the repercussions happen in our work, the family, and life in general; it all becomes affected. It is super important to understand this is not maybe what happens; no, this is absolutely what happens. 

As a side note, it’s interesting that if you passionately seek after the Lord, you become more and more free; however, if you seek after anything else, you become more and more a slave. This is proof that we were made by God, for God. Our ideal life is to abide and dwell with God continually. Simply put, He is Our Life, nothing else. Though our flesh continually draws us away, the Fear (Reverence) of God keeps us close to Him . Another way to understand the fear or reverence of God is that my greatest fear is to be without Him.

I am just scratching the surface of all the things we lust after, except I am being more honest. We don’t call it lust because that gives our wants a negative connotation. Instead, we say, “ I desire this, or I want this,” but make no mistake, it’s lust. The only exception is if we say I would like to have that, it would be nice, but …. don’t want to spend that much money, or it would be nice, but what I have will do, or I need to save more money first. This level of desire is not lust; we are still in control. It’s just a want, but I don’t have to have it to feel good about myself or impress others. That’s the difference. We don’t go into debt to buy something we can’t afford because we want it. Bad financial decisions are usually caused by lust. 

What empowers lust? I bet we would get all kinds of answers, but truthfully, we are worshippers. We want what we worship. Our emptiness causes us to be beholden to the object of our affection, and it can be an endless pursuit as each “god” fails us. Why do we do what we do, or why do we want what we want? Do we think it will make us happy or feel wanted or important? I wrestle with this as much as anybody. Running a landscape business, having people call me saying I’ve seen your work and read your articles, could you see me? What a great compliment. I want to find a phone booth and change into my Superman outfit (which is tricky now because there are no phone booths :). 

However, before the vanity train goes any farther down the tracks, I remember that I am the adopted son of the Most High God. What more importance could I want? What greater title could I have? Every other compliment, title, or invitation pales in comparison. If being the adopted son/daughter of the Most High God doesn’t suffice every single need to be significant, meaningful, and loved, then nothing else will. To be filled, no want of any kind, to have peace, and to feel that you have finally arrived, what more could a human soul want? And to have all this answered in the person of Jesus Christ, you have arrived; now keep growing. 

2 Peter 1:4-8

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

And beside this, — giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;

And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;

And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (this is the reason for our trials, for without them how would patience, temperance, kindness grow. We lift weights to develop muscle and strength; the same is true with trials and hardship; it forces us to go deeper into God’s Word. 

We were created in His Image (Gen. 1:27), meaning He in-dwelt us before sin entered, but once sin entered, He left, and in an instant, everything changed. I’ve shared this before, but imagine the void that Adan and Eve must have felt. We feel this when we do not seek Him or spend enough time in His Word. From Adan and Eve till now, man has always searched for his significance. Yet, in not acknowledging the God of the Bible as His Maker, significance has alluded him. 

Psalms 32:3-5

Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

When I kept silent, my bones waxed old through my roaring all day long.

For day and night, thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer (if you are experiencing this, God is after you to bring you home to Him). Selah.

I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah (we were born in sin and our sinners by nature, but by humbling ourselves before Him, seeking forgiveness for our actions and our pride, we are now working with the Spirit instead of against Him).

If you have never thought about what makes you tick, what I’m saying may sound foreign or too complicated to you, but it is true. If you have to have something or become someone other than who God has made you to be, that’s worship. That thought or object has become your answer to the emptiness inside. However, it will fade. True and right worship is the Adoration of the Lord (submission is a form of worship). To worship Him, who alone is worthy, is to bring healing and wholeness to our very being: our spirit, soul, and body. It completes us. It is that powerful, and it’s that important that we ensure that God and God alone receive our adoration. 

Corrupted worship is, as I just mentioned when we assign our need or want to a thing, person, or thought over and above the Lord, even if it’s ourselves. Are you doing this? We all do it unless we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, for He is the only one who can make us sensitive. We probably never considered worship in these terms—the Tenth Commandment of the Ten deals with this. 

Exodus 20:17

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” 

To covet is the carnal equivalent of Worship. It is to desire or to passionately want something selfishly. If allowed, it can and will take the place of worshipping God. However, only God is worthy of such a desire, for only He can fulfill our desire correctly and make us better for it. We become blessed, and I can prove it. This is how we were intended to function and live life.

Genesis 2:7

And the LORD God formed — man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (A living soul first. The Bible does not emphasize the body or the mind but our soul or being, for it is with our soul that we have fellowship with the Lord—a heart-to-heart connection. Via God’s breath, life came. They were spirit beings first. They were fully formed, but it was His breath that brought Life to them as us. He is the Breath of Life, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. When the BREATHE of LIFE leaves, what do you have? Your soul becomes empty without life, and a desperate search to find meaning begins. Without Christ, we have existence but not life. However, fulfillment is possible with God, who is the essence and creator of life. Zoe is the Greek word for life, which involves the Spirit. 

John 6:33-35

For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life (Zoe) unto the world.

Then said they (the disciples) unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Have you ever eaten and come away from the table not satisfied? The apostles understood hunger and sought Christ for bread that would allow them never to hunger again. Yet the hunger Jesus was talking about was another hunger. The food they ate was for the body’s hunger, but it did nothing for their soul, the hunger Jesus came to satisfy. He was teaching them to discern between the two hungers. To see spiritually is to understand one’s need for Christ but also why we do what we do. Our need stems from this inner hunger; without wisdom, we believe temporary things, cars, money, jobs, and each other can satisfy us. It does for a time, but Christ is for Eternity. Amen

So how do we become full? 

James 4:8

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you….” 

Eleven words, that’s all. This is the answer to the whole human experience. However, it is essential, in fact, critical, that we understand what this impactful verse says. Let’s start with this question: Who draws nigh first, us or God? We do, so then it IS UP TO ME. I determine how close to God I want to be or how close I want Him to be to me. If we ask where’s God, why doesn’t He answer my prayers? Who left? Now, because we are called to walk in faith, there may be times that we don’t feel Him. We are doing all our disciplines, not “backsliding,” but He’s still quiet. We are now purified in the Refiner’s fire; continue seeking Him. This is what the rest of the verse says. 

James 4:8

“…. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

So our Father is not just a Father, but a King with requirements for coming into His presence. If human Kings have these requirements, how much more the King of all Kings? America’s idea of God is this kind, older, grandfather type sitting back on a lounge chair and sipping his favorite heavenly drink, enjoying the waves he’s created. How about adding to that that He is a Consuming Fire? He hates all sin, why, for sin/lust deceives, steals, and destroys lives that He loves, and it distracts His creation (us) from falling in love with just Him. How would seeing God as a Consuming Fire change your approach to Him? Would it engender a Holy Fear and a Holy obedience? Would He change from a God sitting in a lounge chair to a God whose Glory and Throne fill the Heavens, and His approach to us and us to Him is only tempered by The Cross? 

Hebrews 12:28-29

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved (it cannot be overthrown), let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:

For — our God is a consuming fire.

So many Christians say I am waiting for God to call me as if the first steps are up to God. As we read, they are not. He provided the way at a great price to Himself, so now walk in that way, go through the narrow gate (narrow as in constricted, can’t bring the world with you). As you start your journey, know that He seeks to purify you as gold is purified in the furnace… It’s going to hurt. The furnace will make all the selfishness, bad temper, pride, anger, and jealousy come to the surface. When we see that in us, we can say, “God, I hate this in me; I don’t want it. Take it away, and I repent of my carnality. Or, we can continue to blame others or circumstances and gain nothing from the trials. 

He always knew that carnality was in us, and he still loved us and died for us despite it. So, will we repent and ask Him to change us, seek humility, and stop justifying our sins? No sleeping with our girlfriend or boyfriend, drugs, parties, or alcohol. No lying or cheating to get ahead, though everybody else does it; will we be different? We come clean from our ways of promoting self and seek Him with all our heart, reading His Bible and talking to Him to have the strength for the day. 

Jeremiah 29:13

And ye shall seek — me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart (as the King, He has every right to expect a whole-hearted commitment).

Psalms 119:9-11

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse — his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

This is what the proper fear of God produces in our life. We become diligent and disciplined in seeking the Lord. The fear of God causes us to prioritize our time. We see and live differently. That which does not bring me closer to Him is limited or eliminated. The fear of God is a requirement for our growth. It causes us to seek, pray, and read. “He’s God, and I am not” is a good saying to remember. We leave the corrections and changes to Him. Know that His conviction is not pleasant initially but done in absolute love. There is no self-effort on our part that we can do to become right before God, none. 

We are not capable of making our hearts Holy. It’s a fool’s effort if we try. Nothing short of Holiness,

despite His love, is acceptable. God will change our hearts and minds via His Holy Spirit, and He will present an acceptable son or daughter to Himself. He’s the only one that can, and hence the importance of our faith in Christ, for he alone has paid for our sins, and He alone can sanctify

us and present unto Himself a Bride without spot or wrinkle. 

Ephesians 5:25-26

Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it;

That he (Christ) might sanctify (to make Holy 

and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.


Thank you for this study; let it go deep inside us and from it cause a fear/reverence that causes us to say no to those things that would hinder your work of Grace in our life. 

Thank you, and Amen.

Your Son by Grace,


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Arthur Navarrette