“True Treasures” Part I

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19 -21)


“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else  he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)”


As we start a new series I want you to see a common thread that is weaved through all the parables Jesus told – to create in us a pure devotion to God. Though temptation and trial is common; through it all God would clearly occupy the number one spot in our hearts. As we mature in faith even the passion that would have occupied first place becomes a distant second. Now for our study.


I have clients that are stock brokers being responsible for other peoples wealth. Often having retiree’s in their client portfolio. For these clients the income generated from the investments are their livelihood.  Making my clients investment decisions that much more stressful. The fact that the stock market reacts to so many factors, both good and bad, makes monitoring it an everyday job. The market reminds me of a “spooked horse” that bolts at any strange sound. It is very difficult to navigate and establish a coarse when so much is out of your control. In our verses for this study Jesus is clearly making an established course for our lives to follow.


We have two verses to study and clearly Jesus is not saying not to invest, which could be misunderstood if we only had the first verse. However with the second verse it becomes more clear as to his intent and which “investment vehicle” is the better. “For where your treasure is there will be your heart also(attention/affection)” and continuing “…. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Serving mammon, or worldly concern will produce worry and anxiety. For the kingdom of man is unstable. However investing into Heavenly treasures by making our faith first will bring stability to our lives. Also “heavenly investments” will produce continued dividends of peace and joy. For God’s Kingdom is not only eternally secure, but it’s dividends are out of this world. Therefore knowing this chose one, “for no man can serve two masters.”


To serve is “douleuo” meaning, “to be in subjection to or to be deprived of freedom.” These verses we have discussed in prior Vida’s and understand that “mammon”  includes all worldly possessions and the desire to have them. Materialism would be the English equivalent. Have you ever asked yourself why do we instinctively seek these things? Why is there a desire in us to have things? Having possessions, wealth etc.  fulfills several needs in us. It makes us feel successful like we are actually accomplishing something. It also gives us a sense of security for the “what if’s” in life and the surety that we are able to provide for our family or our own needs if we are single. It can also make us feel prideful especially if we fail to thank The Lord. However we still have not answered the question completely as to why we seek things (objects), emotional support or both.


Prior to the “fall” Adam and Eve were “plugged in” to God. He breathed into them the breath of life and they became living beings.  Though Adam was completely formed life did not come into him until God breathed the essence or “spark” of life. To imagine being so pure and complete without a sin nature, yet when man willfully chose to disobey he became “unplugged” from his life source.  For the first time he felt the base emotion of insecurity which produced in him fear. If you think about it all our emotional drive and desire to have has at its very core the feeling of insecurity. Be it jealousy, fear, worry even anger at the root is insecurity because we have been unplugged from God. By being Born Again we allow The Lord back into our lives beginning the “plugged in” process of living. And it is a process of relearning, for though we have the Holy Spirit it is not as what Adam and Eve experienced prior to the fall. For we now have a sin nature. An inborn desire to seek the things that are not of God. A natural rebellion against righteousness. Therefore daily we must choose to serve The Lord. Saying no to our sin nature knowing that “investments” in this world yield temporal dividends that only maintain us here and now.  Versus obedience to the Spirit, “laying up for ourselves treasures in Heaven” which yields eternal rewards. So knowing this were should our heart be? We can truly only serve one. Two opposing Kings (or passions) cannot rule the same land (soul). To be heavenly minded is to live “In Life” and to reap the benefits both here and for eternity.


Father God,

The things of this life we need to tend to. You clearly are in favor of hard work and wise investments. However because of them You are crowded out of our lives. Then what may have been good initially has become a very bad investment for us. Help us to see life from an eternal perspective and not be short sighted and only see the concerns of this life. You are bigger than this life. As we parents care for our children you will care for us as well if we let you. Thank you and Amen


Move forward in His Grace – Arthur


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